Title |
Publication date |
Resolution calls for Belgian apology for abuses in illegal adoptions |
19 February 2025 |
Why countries are banning international adoptions |
14 February 2025 |
Ethiopia: Adoptions by Parents of Ethiopian Origin |
16 January 2025 |
International adoption to Denmark has stopped. At least for now, because politicians are closing the door. |
4 November 2024 |
'Impact of adoption doesn't stop once you become an adult' |
20 August 2024 |
Habtamu de Hoop: 'I think many friends would be helped by our politics, but they will never vote left' |
25 July 2024 |
Chile’s stolen children: a new effort offers hope to Pinochet-era international adoptees |
14 July 2024 |
Irregular adoptions in the Ethiopian-Spanish context: Strategies to redress the adoption triad |
10 May 2024 |
Betty grows* up in a horror family: 'Shit Ethiopian, I regret that adoption so much' |
21 April 2024 |
Al 134 meldingen over mogelijke onregelmatigheden bij adopties | De Standaard Mobile (Already 134 reports about possible irregularities in adoptions | The Standard Mobile) |
24 March 2024 |
Already 134 reports of possible irregularities in adoption |
21 March 2024 |
Three Ethiopian Belgians testify: unfortunately, adoption is not a feel-good story |
21 February 2024 |
The Hague District Court - Revocation of adoption / deletion / correction / addition of a birth certificate |
12 February 2024 |
Lived in 'Traitor's' mother's basement |
10 February 2024 |
Genesis of the project: International Social Service |
19 January 2024 |
How software can digitally transform child adoption |
18 January 2024 |
Guatemala’s baby brokers: how thousands of children were stolen for adoption |
4 January 2024 |
Irregular adoptions in the Ethiopian-Spanish context: Strategies to redress the adoption triad |
2024 |
Incentives 2023: how did the completed projects proceed? |
21 December 2023 |
Foreign adoption freeze is new episode in long-running saga: 'Realize that this can be hard' |
15 December 2023 |
Sorin Dhondt (31) was adopted from Romania as a child: “They told my mother that I was dead” |
15 December 2023 |
The double punishment of "stolen babies" in the face of justice |
11 December 2023 |
CFAB - An overview of our history |
30 November 2023 |
Adoptie: een toekomst voor kinderen die er geen hebben - Adoption: a future for children who don't have one |
29 November 2023 |
The uncomfortable truth is that overseas adoptions will never be fraud-free Sculpture by Saskia Vanderstichele |
29 November 2023 |
Several adopted children from Ethiopia appear not to have been given up voluntarily |
23 November 2023 |
Tales From TikTok: Ethiopian Woman Shares Heartbreaking Illegal Adoption Story, ‘I Questioned My Existence’ |
14 November 2023 |
The double punishment of "stolen babies" in the face of justice |
12 November 2023 |
Committee on Enforced Disappearances Marks First Anniversary of the Joint Statement on Illegal Intercountry Adoptions |
20 September 2023 |
Lahbib contacted ministers from India and Chile, among others, about illegal adoptions |
11 September 2023 |
Ethiopian adoptee advocating for better cultural support for families |
15 August 2023 |
These Babies Are Our Challenge |
5 August 2023 |
ATTWIN Position Paper: |
19 July 2023 |
Explainer: State Department releases annual report on intercountry adoptions |
19 July 2023 |
Fewer and fewer families are able to adopt a child between waiting times, postponements, psychologists, social workers and the courts. And same-parent couples are left with only the hypothesis of foster care |
9 July 2023 |
Intercountry Adoption in Ireland: Experiences, Supports, Challenges Country Briefings Report 5: Ethiopia |
July 2023 |
On the Rhetorics of Dr. Diane B. Kunz, Esq., Crusader for International Adoption |
27 March 2023 |
10 Years Since Forced Adoption Apology |
23 March 2023 |
10 Years Since Forced Adoption Apology |
21 March 2023 |
Adopting a child is not emergency aid |
15 February 2023 |
Flanders stops adoptions from Vietnam: “Insufficient guarantees to rule out malpractice” |
14 February 2023 |
Malawian Judge Recommends Changes to Adoption Laws |
13 February 2023 |
More African children will start their journey from institutions to families due to BEB’s Children First Software |
6 December 2022 |
Recommendations for* child welfare care reform in the global south: Perspectives of 542 adults who were separated from parental care during childhood in 12 nations |
22 September 2022 |
Mom Rescues Ethiopian Girl at Risk of Abduction by Satanist: ‘God Was in This Battle’ |
17 August 2022 |
My Daughter Reunited With Her Birth Mom After Our Adoptive Agency Told Us To ‘Say She Is Dead’ |
1 August 2022 |
Separated from family in Ethiopia, these Bull Sharks players have become Bond brothers |
14 July 2022 |
Adopted Lotte is afraid of negative image adoption |
23 June 2022 |
Mother of Adoptees Helps Ethiopian Families Reunite Their Histories - Points of Light |
21 June 2022 |
I would have given them a thatched villa to catch their breath together |
15 June 2022 |
Father Rob Marrevee about foreign adoption: 'Had I known all this, I would never have done it' |
13 June 2022 |
An adoptive mom was charged with abusing her Ethiopian son. Then the case was dropped |
3 May 2022 |
She kept a secret during her song - and it was a matter of life and death |
10 February 2022 |
How an adopted girl's tragic death became fiction: David Guterson on "bearing witness" |
8 February 2022 |
The aftermath of transnational illegal adoptions: Redressing human rights violations in the intercountry adoption system with in |
31 December 2021 |
“It is imperative to place rights and ethics at the center of the international adoption system” |
10 December 2021 |
Root | International Social Service France |
2 December 2021 |
Examining International Adoption |
9 November 2021 |
Miss Belgium Kedist Deltour (24) visits her father, who left her in an orphanage 15 years ago: "I feel lighter, that's what I ha |
6 November 2021 |
The New Question Haunting Adoption |
19 October 2021 |
UNICEF statement on Ethiopia |
1 October 2021 |
Heartbreak in Ethiopia |
15 September 2021 |
'It is our moral duty to put the best interests of the adoptee first' |
15 September 2021 |
Unicef Netherlands position in Intercountry Adoption ? |
12 August 2021 |
Julie, adopted in Ethiopia at 6 years old: "I had to tell everyone that my mother was dead" |
1 August 2021 |
The “stolen” children of Coutances: an adoption association in turmoil |
1 August 2021 |
Ethiopia Adoption Scandal: Did Good Samaritans Sin Only Through Negligence? |
29 June 2021 |
Right of reply from the adoption agency Les Enfants de Reine Miséricorde |
29 June 2021 |
"Adoption has a hidden face, it brings complicated situations" |
14 June 2021 |
US-Based Non-Profit Group Reunites Ethiopian Families Separated by Adoption |
7 June 2021 |
US-Based Non-Profit Group Reunites Ethiopian Families Separated by Adoption |
7 June 2021 |
Children abducted from Ethiopia |
3 June 2021 |
New Zealander fears adoption delays could see niece left behind in Ethiopia |
30 March 2021 |
Three Ethiopian children get New Zealand adoption but fourth misses out |
22 March 2021 |
Who am I to determine that my child would be happier here? |
16 February 2021 |
‘Adoption has been a journey from ignorance to enlightenment’ |
7 February 2021 |
Miss Belgium finalist Kedist Deltour traded misery in Ethiopia for life full of opportunities |
11 January 2021 |
Adopted, he believed he was an orphan: 22 years later, Antonin will find his biological parents |
4 January 2021 |
Melkamu Frauendorf |
30 November 2020 |
Country Programs | Department of Social Services,… |
26 August 2020 |
International views on fraudulent adoptions, how do we respond to this? |
28 June 2020 |
Aunt told she can't adopt her sister's four teenagers from Ethiopia |
1 April 2020 |
Adoption & Samfund: Vi har ødelagt vores adoptionssystem |
16 December 2019 |
Belgium: Internationale visies op frauduleuze adopties, hoe reageren we hierop? |
2 December 2019 |
Internationale visies op frauduleuze adopties, hoe reageren we hierop? |
2 December 2019 |
Slachtoffers adoptiefraude hekelen onderzoek: “Alleen witte mannen en vrouwen in panel” |
22 October 2019 |
Talk Africa: Foreign Adoption of African Children |
22 September 2019 |
Why would you run away from your baby and give her up for adoption? |
18 August 2019 |
28 July 2019 |
Aalsterse adoptieouders schrijven open brief over ‘Denderracisme’: ‘Onze kinderen worden steeds vaker geviseerd’ |
20 June 2019 |
Expanding foster care changing Ethiopian communities |
6 June 2019 |
Zodra met adopties geld te verdienen valt, loert fraude om de hoek |
18 May 2019 |
Kinderen zijn geen koopwaar |
9 May 2019 |
Ene klacht na de andere over gesjoemel met adopties |
30 April 2019 |
Nieuwe getuigenissen over fraude bij adoptie uit Ethiopië |
30 April 2019 |
Vandeurzen: 'Wie twijfels heeft over adoptiedossier, kan dat laten onderzoeken' |
29 April 2019 |
Link to Flamish, original paper articles: Ethiopia |
27 April 2019 |
27 April 2019 |
Vandeurzen: 'Wie twijfels heeft over adoptiedossier, kan dat laten onderzoeken' |
19 April 2019 |
Amy Documentary in The Netherlands: Facebook Comments |
19 March 2019 |
Girl in return NPO 2, 20.55-22.00u. |
18 March 2019 |
Girl in Return ( Amy's Film ) |
3 March 2019 |
I Moved To Ethiopia To Help My Daughter Connect With Her Birth Family |
2 March 2019 |
Støt Amy og hendes families fremtid |
1 March 2019 |
Alarms about irregularities from the majority of major countries Sweden adopted from |
21 February 2019 |
Newsday - Ethiopian adoptee hopes adoption is moving in the right direction - BBC Sounds |
5 February 2019 |
Presenter Habtuma de Hoop returns to native Ethiopia |
3 February 2019 |
Filmanmeldelse: Amy eller Tigist? – en adoptionshistorie |
24 January 2019 |
Husker du Amy? Nu er pigen, der rystede adoptionssystemet, tilbage |
23 January 2019 |
Husker du adopterede Amy, der blev tvangsfjernet med magt? Her er hun i dag |
22 January 2019 |
Tv-premiere på Amys vilje |
22 January 2019 |
22 January 2019 |
Amy føler, hun blev købt og solgt som en vare, da hun blev adopteret fra Etiopien til Danmark |
21 January 2019 |
Hilfsprojekte aus unserer Region: Wo der Spendenfranken gut aufgehoben ist |
21 December 2018 |
Ethiopia post adoption guidelines | Department of… |
29 May 2018 |
Scarborough mourns student who inspired despite a life of dislocation |
9 April 2018 |
Ethiopia: Why Parliament Bans Adoption of Children By Foreigners |
15 February 2018 |
Ethiopia adoption ban may curb trafficking, but poorest families need support |
15 January 2018 |
107 Italian families waiting. Block adoptions from Ethiopia: couples in alarm |
13 January 2018 |
Diplomacy and Law Enforcement Unite to Dismantle Major International Adoption Fraud Scheme |
22 September 2017 |
Founder, CEO, and Employee of International Adoption Guides (IAG) Sentenced for Adoption Fraud Schemes |
14 August 2017 |
Belgium: International adoption banned Families stranded in Ethiopia |
17 May 2017 |
Adoption Alert—Update on Suspension of Adoptions from Ethiopia |
16 May 2017 |
Adoption Alert—Suspension of Adoptions from Ethiopia |
2 May 2017 |
US State Department: Adoption Alert—Suspension of Adoptions from Ethiopia |
21 April 2017 |
Adoptions, broke the case of the non-profit organization Enzo B: families pay, but no children |
15 January 2017 |
Nu ook problemen met tientallen Vlaamse adoptiedossiers in Ethiopië |
16 September 2016 |
European Parliament: Briefing - Adoption of children in the European Union |
1 June 2016 |
Communiqué relatif à la suspension des adoptions internationales en Éthiopie (4.05.2016) |
4 May 2016 |
Uganda Tightens Foreign Adoption Rules |
17 March 2016 |
Denmark will stop adoptions from Ethiopia |
8 March 2016 |
Medlemsblad for Adoption & Samfund |
1 March 2016 |
Subsidiarity, and the notion that indigenous solutions should be preferred |
1 February 2016 |
Adopties uit Oeganda: ‘Alsof we ons schuldig maken aan kinderhandel’ |
2 January 2016 |
Adopties uit Ethiopië stilgelegd |
9 December 2015 |
Ethiopia Program Update - CLOSURE |
31 July 2015 |
27 July 2015 |
Nieuw contact voor tracing in Ethiopië |
30 June 2015 |
Foreign adoption order recognised at common law in Scottish legal first |
15 June 2015 |
Mary Mooney of International Adoption Guides Has Changed Her Plea |
4 June 2015 |
They Steal Babies, Don’t They? (E.J. Graff) |
14 November 2014 |
Denmark Unity requires the rights of children in adoption debate |
4 September 2014 |
The Ethiopian court overturns adoption at two Spanish couples |
28 August 2014 |
Ambassador wonders: How can Ethiopia be a living hell? |
11 August 2014 |
Two Spanish couples should returned their adopted children in Ethiopia by bureaucratic problems |
10 August 2014 |
U.S. Adoption Executive Pleads Guilty to Ethiopia Scam |
7 August 2014 |
EVAP stellt Adoptionsvermittlung aus Äthiopien ein |
21 July 2014 |
Foreign adoption barriers unlocked |
4 March 2014 |
Department of Justice - Employees of Adoption Services Provider Charged with Conspiracy to Defraud the United States in |
11 February 2014 |
Ethiopia: Stakeholders, Public Has to End Foreign Adoption |
26 December 2013 |
Adoptie Overleg Dutch Parliament |
2 October 2013 |
International adoption: Saving orphans or child trafficking? |
16 September 2013 |
International adoption: I was stolen from my family |
16 September 2013 |
Adoptions: A Market? Adoption-vs-Human-Trafficking |
11 September 2013 |
U.S. adoptive mother guilty of homicide in death of Ethiopian girl |
9 September 2013 |
Misguided Saviors: An Analysis of International Adoption Issues and Necessary Considerations for Prospective Adoptive Parents |
1 September 2013 |
Misguided Saviors: An Analysis of International Adoption Issues and Necessary Considerations for Prospective Adoptive Parents |
1 September 2013 |
AFRICA: Call to reverse soaring adoption rates |
6 June 2013 |
Betty/ ISS Australia |
29 April 2013 |
DanAdopt attended the meeting |
23 April 2013 |
Adoption middleman speaks out |
8 April 2013 |
Adoptions: False death certificates used |
8 April 2013 |
Danish Docu - Sunday 6 April (Line) |
6 April 2013 |
DanAdopt forced to stop adoptions from Ethiopia |
5 April 2013 |
DanAdopt forced to stop adoptions from Ethiopia |
5 April 2013 |
Haekkerup stop controversial adoptions from Ethiopia |
5 April 2013 |
DanAdopt forced to stop adoptions from Ethiopia |
5 April 2013 |
CIFA: Renewed the accreditation for adoptions in Ethiopia |
4 March 2013 |
Adoption system based on a colonial past |
26 January 2013 |
Journalist assaulted after adoption case |
14 January 2013 |
UNICEF in Ethiopia gets 5 million eksktra |
26 December 2012 |
Horisont: Adoption eller menneskehandel? |
4 December 2012 |
Documentary puts Danadopt on the spot |
27 November 2012 |
Orphanages French scarred parents their children |
11 November 2012 |
Argos: Adoption, market of corruption and happiness |
6 October 2012 |
Australia: End of the line for Ethiopian adoptions |
21 September 2012 |
Stranger in your own family? |
20 September 2012 |
Adopting from Africa, Saving the Children? |
6 August 2012 |
Closure of the Ethiopia Australia Intercountry Adoption Program |
28 June 2012 |
Ethiopia-Australia Intercountry Adoption Program closed |
28 June 2012 |
USAID Ethiopia |
17 June 2012 |
Child removal results in violence accusations against council |
5 June 2012 |
Concern over Africa adoption rise |
30 May 2012 |
Profit-driven adoptions turn children into a commodity |
29 May 2012 |
Adoption from Africa: Concern over ‘dramatic rise’ |
29 May 2012 |
A Crack Down on International Adoptions |
7 February 2012 |
Adopting families keep watch on financially strapped agency |
5 February 2012 |
Child Trafficking and Australia's Intercountry Adoption System |
1 January 2012 |
10 December 2011 |
Report on Ethiopia delegation – December 2011 |
December 2011 |
Pre-Adoption Training Given to Ethiopian Adoptive Families |
25 October 2011 |
Claimants Rummage through Samaritan’s Purse |
11 September 2011 |
Notice: Confirmation of Orphanage Closures in Ethiopia |
3 August 2011 |
Notice: Orphanage Closures in Ethiopia |
21 July 2011 |
Blog: Ethiopia Orphanages Closures |
21 July 2011 |
Link call to Herve Boechat |
4 July 2011 |
Ethiopian Adoption Update!!! |
15 June 2011 |
Ethiopia to Cut Foreign Adoptions by Up to 90 Percent |
3 May 2011 |
Adoption : le double abandon d'Addis, petite Ethiopienne |
21 April 2011 |
People for Ethical Adoption Reform / RESOURCE: Connecting the Dots in Ethiopia |
10 April 2011 |
African adoptions drop as economic crisis bites |
25 March 2011 |
Ethiopia moves to sharply reduce foreign adoptions |
10 March 2011 |
Ethiopia to Cut Foreign Adoptions by Up to 90 Percent |
5 March 2011 |
Ethiopia Revokes License of US Adoption Agency |
10 February 2011 |
CHSFS - lies birthfamilies |
9 February 2011 |
BFA revoking of licence |
8 February 2011 |
Blog: Happy Birthday Berhanu and Divine Appointment (meeting Birth Mother) |
1 February 2011 |
Ethica’s notes from U.S. Department of State meeting – Ethiopia Adoption: Solutions into Action |
24 January 2011 |
Courtcase Dusseldorf - Ethiopian adoption refused |
18 January 2011 |
Adoption en Éthiopie: «C'est comme si on achetait nos bébés» |
15 January 2011 |
Les adoptions internationales en hausse de 14 % en France |
12 January 2011 |
Question Time |
11 January 2011 |
Arib wants clarity on adoption from Ethiopia |
11 January 2011 |
Arib wants clarity on adoption from Ethiopia |
11 January 2011 |
Focal point broadcast Ethiopia |
10 January 2011 |
Kinderen te Koop (Brandpunt - Ethiopia) |
9 January 2011 |
04-01-2011 - Brandpunt twittert over adopties uit Ethiopië |
4 January 2011 |
Outcomes of Delegation to Ethiopia - 23 December 2010 |
23 December 2010 |
'Mijn Afrikaanse mama is heel ziek' |
18 December 2010 |
Ethiopia Working with Child Advocacy Groups to Clean Up Adoptions |
16 December 2010 |
Ethiopia meeting in Brussels 11 of EurAdopt’s member associations |
13 December 2010 |
Birth Families and Intercountry Adoption in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
1 December 2010 |
Court established new rules for foundlings |
5 November 2010 |
19-10-2010 - Laatste nieuws adoptiebemiddeling Ethiopië |
19 October 2010 |
Adoptions from Ethiopia rise, bucking global trend |
12 October 2010 |
CCAI heads to the UK to tackle orphan issues globally |
9 September 2010 |
Pilot Project Helps Ethiopian Orphans Avoid Overseas Adoption |
7 September 2010 |
Pilot Project Helps Ethiopian Orphans Avoid Overseas Adoption |
7 September 2010 |
US Senator visits Ethiopia to discuss plight of children |
5 September 2010 |
LHS student reconnects with twin brother in Ethiopia |
3 September 2010 |
"The Controversial Issue of Giving Children in International Adoption |
18 August 2010 |
Families in the dark as adoption chief quits |
8 July 2010 |
Pastors focus on missions, adoption |
16 June 2010 |
Response from the Attorney-General's Department to questions from ABC News Online |
June 2010 |
Written Answers Irish Parliament |
1 June 2010 |
Aantal adopties in Vlaanderen stijgt |
26 May 2010 |
Update on Ethiopia-Australia Intercountry Adoption Program –New Fee Structure and Requirement to Attend Court Hearing – 21 May 2 |
21 May 2010 |
Scarlett Johansson's Mom Adopts a Baby Girl |
20 May 2010 |
Sintayehu - Lost Little Sister |
12 May 2010 |
Over 80 adopted children are abandoned each year |
3 May 2010 |
New daughter melts Wright State coach’s heart |
28 April 2010 |
Hague Training in Addis |
24 April 2010 |
News stuns Chesapeake couple adopting Ethiopian kids |
19 April 2010 |
Who's playing God? |
26 March 2010 |
Ethiopia revokes licences of nine charitable organizations |
25 March 2010 |
Founder of Ethiopian Children's Charity charged with sexual abuse of 6 Ethiopian children in U.S. court |
24 March 2010 |
ore Prayer Requests |
17 March 2010 |
Change in Processing Timeline for Adoption Cases |
5 March 2010 |
Future of the Ethiopia–Australian Intercountry Adoption Program |
4 March 2010 |
`Forgeries and lies' in Australian adoptions of Ethiopian children |
3 March 2010 |
USA: Adoption watchdog suppresses Ethiopia findings |
2 March 2010 |
Fly Away Home |
2 March 2010 |
Adoption watchdog suppresses Ethiopia findings |
2 March 2010 |
Payments to Ethiopia soared before local adoption agency collapsed |
27 February 2010 |
25-02-2010 - Aanvulling op nieuwsbericht Adoptie uit Ethiopië, 19-02 |
25 February 2010 |
Ethiopia: The Hand That Rocks the Broken Cradle (Part II) |
22 February 2010 |
Friday update from the Hams! (Read Thursday's first!) - meeting birth mom |
19 February 2010 |
No reconsideration of adoptions from Ethiopia |
18 February 2010 |
Letter Ministry of Justice - Ethiopia |
16 February 2010 |
Child: U.S. Adoption Agency Bought Me |
15 February 2010 |
Eine richtig glückliche Familie (mayor Aachen) |
9 February 2010 |
Future of the Ethiopia–Australian Intercountry Adoption Program |
1 February 2010 |
Blog - investigation - our adoption status |
29 December 2009 |
Hamilton couple celebrates adoption through salvaged Cambridge agency |
19 December 2009 |
Couple's dream of family in limbo |
11 December 2009 |
Lives crushed as adoption program halted |
9 December 2009 |
Ethiopian adoption agreement |
9 December 2009 |
AAI Annual Holiday Letter |
8 December 2009 |
Briefing by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs Michele Bond on National Adoption Day |
20 November 2009 |
Laatste nieuws adoptieprocedures Ethiopië |
19 November 2009 |
Dutch Parliamentary Question - Teeven - Ethiopia |
17 November 2009 |
Montana churches take on challenge in Ethiopia |
11 November 2009 |
Adoption Notice - U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE; no more abandonment cases |
15 October 2009 |
Ethiopiërs en Nederlanders ontmoeten elkaar |
14 October 2009 |
Creditors vote to revive Imagine adoption agency |
21 September 2009 |
A Crushing Choice for Ethiopian Mothers With HIV |
19 September 2009 |
Joint Council initiated an immediate assessment |
18 September 2009 |
17-09-2009 - Wereldkinderen legt adoptieprocedures Ethiopië voorlopig stil en start nieuw onderzoek |
17 September 2009 |
Response to Christian World Adoption Statement September |
16 September 2009 |
Home » Adoptie » Verklaring adoptiebureau Wereldkinderen Verklaring adoptiebureau Wereldkinderen Reportage: Wereldkinderen stopt |
16 September 2009 |
CWA Response to Australian TV Broadcast |
15 September 2009 |
Ethiopian children exploited by US adoption agencies |
15 September 2009 |
Heartbreak in Ethiopia/FLY AWAY CHILDREN |
14 September 2009 |
Ethiopia – Single Applicants |
10 September 2009 |
Ethiopia - Selling citizens, selling children and selling land |
8 September 2009 |
Saving Imagine Adoption |
31 July 2009 |
Agency’s collapse crushes adoption dream |
17 July 2009 |
'Some of the children were actually not orphans' |
17 July 2009 |
Agency’s collapse crushes adoption dream |
17 July 2009 |
Alberta adoption hopefuls in limbo after Ont. firm falters |
16 July 2009 |
Debt mounting for Imagine Adoption |
16 July 2009 |
Agency folds, puts couple's adoption plans on hold |
16 July 2009 |
Local couples left with nothing but grief |
16 July 2009 |
Ethiopian kids in limbo as adoption agency folds |
16 July 2009 |
Adoption Agency Collapses, Takes Dreams with It |
15 July 2009 |
Anxious adoptive parents wait for agency's bankruptcy to be sorted |
15 July 2009 |
Mother's fight to get newly adopted child |
15 July 2009 |
Ethiopian kids in limbo as adoption agency folds |
1 July 2009 |
Forum: Children's Home Society & Family Services Forums - Ethiopia - New Newsletter is out!! |
1 July 2009 |
Blog: Today was our birth mother meeting |
20 June 2009 |
Adoption of Ethiopian children halted, then resumed |
18 June 2009 |
Kembata Tembaro Zone awards CHSFS-Ethiopia |
7 June 2009 |
Blog: minder goed nieuws |
3 June 2009 |
US State Department - Abandonment Requirements Ethiopia |
1 May 2009 |
Ethiopia's orphans face life of hardship |
4 April 2009 |
Condemn the Sale of Children under the Cover of Adoption |
22 March 2009 |
Canadian parents raise concerns |
19 March 2009 |
Sponsor A Child, Adoption Center collaborate on child rights |
10 March 2009 |
Money for Children/Kindergeld |
19 January 2009 |
Do not use Hope Adoption Agency |
13 January 2009 |
EU and Ethiopia Cooperation history |
2009 |
Nieuwsbrief Ethiopië |
December 2008 |
Facebook: Irene Piria about Ethiopian adoption |
6 November 2008 |
18 October 2008 |
Mail Euradopt/Sandberg: Euradopt Discussion on Ethiopia |
14 February 2008 |
Italy - Ethiopia budget Aid |
2008 |
Niños arrancados en Etiopía |
17 December 2007 |
180 adoptive parents protest against Agstner's criminalization of international adoption |
29 August 2007 |
Ethiopia: Mission Assessor Valdegamberi |
3 July 2007 |
8 October 2006 |
Ethiopia: U.S. Families Adoption of Children, for Trade or Charity? |
1 July 2006 |
Zahara Family Wants her Back !! |
20 June 2006 |
Court Case Ethiopia - LJN: AV8244, Rechtbank 's-Gravenhage , 227088 |
4 April 2006 |
Public Executive Summary - Review |
November 2005 |
Comment Anke Hassel on TAZ article |
22 May 2005 |
Spanish Adoption Rates Hit All-Time High |
4 May 2005 |
International Adoption: Changes and Challenges |
17 December 2004 |
Our Stories :: In the News :: "Blind Date in Addis", from The New York Times Relative Choices Blog |
1 October 2003 |
Kind en Koning |
30 June 2003 |
KINDESMISSBRAUCH Trau keinem, der weiß ist |
16 August 1999 |
Charity's haven for famine children destroyed by paedophile scourge |
22 July 1999 |
Support center for adoption questions |
13 May 1998 |
Maureen Evans: International Adoption: Changes and Challenges |
1 January 1997 |
Kosto: No accusation against child protection in an adontie affair |
14 October 1992 |
Kosto geen verwijt Kinderbescherming in adoptie affaire (Ethiopia) |
1 October 1992 |
5 March 1987 |
'Adoption pause is necessary to really change' |
The History of Holt International |