DanAdopt attended the meeting

23 April 2013

23 APRIL 2013


DanAdopt attended the meeting

As the Appeals Board should assess criticism of DanAdopt eligibility, attended adoption company at the meeting, said the local officials from the region.

Jimma Bekele, who 21Søndag revealed was a so-called children are reaping now appears to have been highlighted by DanAdopt as a good example. Photo: DR © DR

By Line Gertsen and Ditte Bannor-Kristensency

- It's crazy.

So clearly says Left's social spokesman Eivind Vesselbo themselves. Also he has been made aware that since Appeals Board, which oversees the area of ??adoption, traveled to Ethiopia and met important sources attended Dan-Adopt the meeting.

ALSO READ Denmark stops adoptions from Ethiopia

- It is absolutely crazy and it shows how rotten the system is. It is an expression of the Appeals Board is too close to the two organizations, as it should supervise. Now we just stopped that municipalities must supervise themselves, and then it comes out here. It needs to change, says Eivind Vesselbo.

DanAdopt sat with at the meeting

It's The official Kedur Nur, who sits as responsible for the area of ??adoption in Asella, Ethiopia that tells BBC News that DanAdopt local representative was present at the meeting where criticism of DanAdopt orphanages should be examined.

He explains that at the meeting tried to tell about the problems of the men - the so-called children harvesters - who gave false promises to the parents, but he did not experience that the Appeals Board chief Trine Heath listened particularly interested:

- They did not consider it a problem. They just said that they will fix it up, but they perceived it as a serious problem because they also came with DanAdopt, he told BBC News.

Appeals Board did not listen

In addition DanAdopt representative, as was also the person that ABC News has revealed worked as between men with the meeting. This confirms the official opposite BBC News.

- DanAdopt had taken him as an example of someone who had done a lot of good and it belonged Appeals Board on. We tried to explain that there had been problems with the man, but they listened not to say Kedur Nur.

The official Kedur Nurs chief Walala Hussen confirms that the Appeals Board chief Trine Heath did not work interested in listening to the problems of men and all the false promises they had made to the biological parents.

- We told them about the problems down here, we told them about the problems of men and how they have lied and cheated the biological parents. They just said that they would fix it, but nothing happened. The problems continue, says Walala Hussen.

Appeals Board: It has never happened

Appeals Chief Trine Heath totally reject that something like this has been the case.

- I have not participated in meetings with Danish adoptees in Ethiopia - neither local representatives or others on the journey in February.

Also Dan-Adopt denies that there have been representatives at meetings with the Appeals Board. Vice Lars Ellegaard tell ABC News that no representative from Dan-adopted, either locally or from Denmark has been at the meeting.

But local representatives of the City maintains the opposite ABC News that Denmark Adoptees were represented at the meeting. Just as it appears that representatives from the Appeals Board and the intermediary organizations have traveled together on monitoring missions.

Enhedslistens social rapporteur will in any case have studied what's up and down in the case.

Hammering criticism

- I think it's pounding criticism, if it is true, and it shows that we have a systemic error if the only authority we have is dependent on those they supervise when they travel to Ethiopia. Anyone can see that it has nothing to do with an independent oversight when those you supervise, are always present and have the opportunity to make representations in the process, says Pernille Skipper.

Kedur Nur He also wondered that he just got a card from the Social Appeals Board boss, but she did not seemed interested to hear what he had to say:

- She said that she came from the Ministry of Social Affairs in Denmark. She said her name was Trine Heath. And then she promised that she would rectify everything down here, the official said.

Do not talk with reporters

In addition to the map, he was by his own admission a comradely advice from tanks Agency Head:

- She asked me not to speak to reporters.

Back in Ethiopia is Walala Hussen indignant about that as yet nothing has happened:

- Parents want to know what happened with their children and they want to know who is going to pay all that they have been promised, she says.
