Kembata Tembaro Zone awards CHSFS-Ethiopia

7 June 2009

Kembata Tembaro Zone awards CHSFS-Ethiopia

Children’s Home Society and Family Service and Holt International Children’s Services were awarded by the Kembata Tembaro Zone administration for the development and humanitarian activities they are carrying out in the zone. The ceremony was held in Durame town on June 7, 2009.

In a speech he made on the occasion, the administrator of the zone, Tagesse Eromo, commended the two organizations for the development and humanitarian activities they are carrying out in the zone. He also expressed his appreciation for the adoption service they provide. He said that dying children have now a chance to live because of adoption. He called on Children’s Home Society and Family Services to assist the zone in preparing a baseline survey as it has done sponsored the preparation of the Hadiya zone baseline survey. He thanked CHSFS for its commitment in its humanitarian activities.

A documentary film that shows CHSFS’s five-year journey was turned on on the occasion. The audience was visibly overwhelmed by what was shown in the film.

CHSFS’s Regional Director for Africa Asnake Amanuel, CHSFS’s Country Representative Abraham Amanuel, and Holt International’s Country Representative Dr. Fikru Geleso thanked the administration and the community of Kembata Tembaro zone for recognizing their work. They also vowed to do more in the future.

About 150 people from the zone’s different offices and elders of the community were in attendance at the program.