Written Answers Irish Parliament

1 June 2010

Written answers

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Department of Health and Children

Foreign Adoptions

10:00 am

Photo of Denis NaughtenDenis Naughten (Roscommon-South Leitrim, Fine Gael)

Question 193: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the position regarding the negotiations on a bilateral adoption agreement with Ethiopia; the consultation to date with the Australian authorities on the issue; the implications of her decision on adoptions from Vietnam; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [22766/10]

Photo of Barry AndrewsBarry Andrews (Minister of State with special responsibility for Children and Young People, Department of Health and Children; Minister of State, Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform; Minister of State, Department of Education and Science; Dún Laoghaire, Fianna Fail)

The Adoption Bill, 2009, is designed to give force of law to the Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Inter-country Adoption. The new legislation, which incorporates the provisions of the Hague Convention, is designed to provide a framework to ensure that appropriate procedures have been followed and that all adoptions are effected in the best interests of the child. Future intercountry adoption arrangements will be governed by the terms of the Adoption Bill 2009 when enacted.

Ireland does not have a bilateral agreement with Ethiopia in respect of adoption. Consideration of this matter is at an early stage. I have recently written to the Minister for Foreign Affairs seeking the assistance of the Embassy in Ethiopia in this regard. There has been no formal consultation on this issue with the Australian authorities. However, I am aware that Australia recently re-opened Ethiopian adoptions following a brief suspension.

Issues relating to intercountry adoption from Vietnam are treated on their own merits and are unaffected by consideration of matters related to adoption from Ethiopia.

Photo of Tom HayesTom Hayes (Tipperary South, Fine Gael)

Question 194: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the position regarding persons who were approved for adoption from Vietnam and who are awaiting outstanding reports to have their cases processed; the number of reports still outstanding; when these families and children will be able to complete the adoption; the status of the bilateral agreement between Vietnam and Ireland regarding foreign adoption; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [22773/10]

Photo of Barry AndrewsBarry Andrews (Minister of State with special responsibility for Children and Young People, Department of Health and Children; Minister of State, Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform; Minister of State, Department of Education and Science; Dún Laoghaire, Fianna Fail)

It remains my intention to assist 20 named applicants to complete intercountry adoptions in respect of children from Vietnam on an exceptional basis and insofar as it is practicable in law. In communicating the decision to suspend the bilateral negotiations the Irish Government asked the Vietnamese Government whether it will be possible to proceed with these adoptions. The Vietnamese response was not definitive. The Government is attempting to put in place a mechanism in respect of these 20 applicants that safeguards against recent concerns raised in relation to intercountry adoption in Vietnam.

The Government decided to suspend indefinitely negotiations on a new bilateral intercountry adoption agreement with the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. This will have the effect of suspending intercountry adoption from Vietnam until such time as the Adoption Bill, 2009 has been enacted and Ireland and Vietnam have both ratified the provisions of the Hague Convention. The Adoption Bill, 2009 is currently at Report stage and I hope will complete its passage through both Houses shortly thereafter.