Ethiopia: Mission Assessor Valdegamberi

3 July 2007

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Ethiopia: Mission Assessor Valdegamberi


Regione Veneto - press release. The commissioner for social policies of the Veneto, Stefano Valdegamberi met in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian government's Justice Minister Assefa Kessi, as part of the mission "Veneto adoption."

The commissioner for social policies of Veneto Stefano Valdegamberi met in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian government's Justice Minister Assefa Kessi, as part of the mission "Veneto adoption", which involves a delegation from the Veneto in Ethiopia with the aim of supporting the activities entities authorized international adoption.

The Ministry of Justice is responsible for issuing permits and renewals to associations and NGOs wishing to work in the country in the Horn of Africa. This meeting provided an opportunity to deepen the facilitation institutions participating in the operational protocols Veneto Region in their work to international adoption and cooperation. "With these institutions - recalled Valdegamberi - we are building a system that gives the greatest assurances to the authorities. But it is also important to build solidarity projects as possible to help the children to stay in their family, aware that international adoption is the ultimate solution. "

Kessi Minister praised the work of the Veneto Region and proposed project ideas for collaboration in the field of protection of minors. "In Ethiopia - he said - the situation of many children is not easy and sometimes are victims of illegal activities. We could achieve with concrete actions, especially the Veneto to combat violence against children, illegal abortions and the spread of HIV. " Valdegamberi welcomed the proposal and proceed with the development of appropriate design ideas. "One of the first initiatives - and, the commissioner Venetian - will be the training and exchanges between experts and experts in the Veneto area of the protection of children in Ethiopia, actively involving not only the Ministry of Justice, but also the Ministry of Foreign Affairs women.

Valdegamberi subsequently visited some microcooperazione international initiatives on behalf of children in the Ethiopian capital made by the bodies authorized and financed by the regional project "Veneto adoption." Together with the Director of Social Services Claudio Beltrame, the commissioner has met with the leaders of the institute Gelgela where orphans are housed 50 children from 3 to 8 years and visited the facility to be precisely the work of an intervention funded by the Region. "We would like to continue the cooperation and in helping these children - he said - even expanding the operation to other areas and areas of the country."

One issue brought to the attention of the regional delegation is that of removal of children from their families when they suffer from epilepsy: the popular belief, especially in rural areas of southern Ethiopia, leads us to consider these children as possessed by demons and so are away from their families and relatives. "On this side - added Valdegamberi - we may think of interventions aimed at medical care, supply of medicines but also in agreement with local authorities, awareness campaigns aimed at restoring families."

The delegation also met with regional leaders IFSO local NGO, working in the care and law enforcement authorities of sexual abuse and violence on children, with the support of some Italian associations, and visited a halfway house for children orphaned or abused .