Documentary puts Danadopt on the spot
27 November 2012

Documentary puts Danadopt on the spot

27. nov. 2012 12.54 English

Adoption agency Danadopt is facing fierce criticism after the premiere of a new Danish documentary that features an Ethiopian couple reluctantly giving up their two children, aged 2 and 4, for adoption in Denmark.

"To me, it looks an awful lot like human trafficking," said documentary filmmaker Katrine W. Kjær, the maker of the film Mercy Mercy.

A number of MPs now feel adoptions to Denmark from abroad should be put on hold, until evidence shows that no-one is being coerced into putting their child up for adoption.

Danadopt denies accusations

A representative from the Danadopt organisation was present when the children were removed from the home of their biological parents in Ethiopia, but the organisation has denied all accusations of wrongdoing.

"We can prove that this is not a case of human trafficking and that everything occurred above board. No-one has done anything illegal," said Director of Danadopt, Marianne Wung Sung.

Minister for Social Affairs, Karen Høkkerup has expressed a wish to look into the matter, but the opposition at Christiansborg is calling for tougher action.

"We want this area thoroughly investigated, and the minister will have to delve deeper than just an individual case. There may be similar issues in other countries," said Anne-Mette W. Christiansen, deputy chair of Parliament's social welfare committee.

The case is further complicated by the fact that the eldest of the two children currently lives in a children's home after problems with the Danish foster family. Today, the Social Appeals Board opened an investigation into the case, including whether the eldest girl should possibly be returned to her parents in Ethiopia.
