DanAdopt forced to stop adoptions from Ethiopia

5 April 2013

DanAdopt forced to stop adoptions from Ethiopia

Ministry of Social Affairs has decided to close the DanAdopt adoptions of children from Ethiopia, because there are doubts about whether the agency dissemination of adoptions from the African country is ethically and legally defensible.

AT. 14:10

DR News korrepondent in investigative journalism, Line Gertsen, is here with an Ethiopian woman who has given up for adoption a child. © DR

Written by: Lars Nielsen Brøndum

Ministry of Social Affairs closes now for adoption agency DanAdopt adoptions of children from Ethiopia. It learns ABC News.

In addition to DanAdopt also explain the adoption process in all other countries, they adopt children.

Also another adoption agency in Denmark, AC International Child Support, must account for their adoptions of children from Ethiopia. They are still allowed to continue their adoptions from Ethiopia until their account has been assessed by the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Frustrated mothers seek ambasssade

Ministry decision made partly on the basis of DR News evidence of problems in adoption industry.

According to Social Security and Integration Minister Karen Haekkerup (S), confidence in DanAdopt away.

- I have unfortunately no longer with the necessary confidence DanAdopt dissemination of adoptions from Ethiopia when the Appeals Board considers that there is doubt as to whether adoptions always done ethically and legally justifiable. Therefore I have decided to stop DanAdopt dissemination of children from Ethiopia. It is a far-reaching decision that I am sorry and sad that I have to take, because there are many children who are waiting to have two parents in Denmark. But it is also a necessary decision. For no one, neither the children, their biological parents or adoptive parents can live with the fact that there are doubts about how the child has been communicated to them, says Minister of Social Affairs.

She is now awaiting the report from DanAdopt, which will show whether the adoption agency working ethically and legally justifiable.

- Only when we are assured that the situation has been rectified, can DanAdopt again convey children from Ethiopia, says Karen Haekkerup.

READ ALSO OVERVIEW: Ethiopian adoptions in headwind

BBC News over the last month worked to investigate whether the international conventions are observed, when it comes to adoptions from Ethiopia.

In this context, four Ethiopian women who have given up for adoption their children to Denmark, turned on the Danish Embassy to vent their despair and frustration that they felt persuaded and have been promised contact with their biological children who subsequently not have been observed.

Criticism of DanAdopt

In addition, ABC News documented that used so-called børnehøstere in several cases of DanAdopt adoptions in Ethiopia.Børnehøstere is between men who used to entice parents to be adopting their children.

It is partly on the basis of this dubious approach to Ministry of Social Affairs now shut down DanAdopt activities.

You can see more about DanAdopt use of so-called børnehøstere in 21 Sunday to Sunday.

Are you affected by the Ministry of Social Affairs stop DanAdopt adoptions from Ethiopia? Write to ABC News on1212@dr.dk