The “stolen” children of Coutances: an adoption association in turmoil

1 August 2021

It's a real earthquake in the world of adoption. Two young women born in Ethiopia and adopted in France, as well as an adoptive parent, have just lodged a complaint for "breach of trust and fraud" against the association "Les Enfants de la Reine de Miséricorde", based in Coutances (Manche) . They are convinced that members of this association have managed to make certain children adoptable, sometimes by falsifying documents to change their age, sometimes by forging false letters. But above all much more serious: by not mentioning that one, or even both of these children's biological parents, was still alive! In any case, this is the conviction of Julie Foulon, herself adopted at the age of 6, and author of the autobiographical book "Sara and Tsega", which has, it seems,
