Ethiopian adoption agreement
9 December 2009

Ethiopian adoption agreement

Published Date: 09 December 2009

By Freelance

SOUTH Dublin County Council is to write to the Minister for Children Barry Andrews TD to request that a bilateral agreement with Ethiopia be agreed as soon as possible to facilitate adoption.

Details of this letter and the motion to the county council from Councillor Derek Keating that prompted the letter, are also to be circulated to every other city and county council in the country for their consideration.

Cllr Keating described theADVERTISEMENT

heartache some of his Lucan constituents have gone through waiting desperately to adopt a child, some for the past five years, who are now “very concerned” they may not be able to adopt from Ethiopia.

He said they are anxious to highlight this issue and get support, though they don’t wish to go public with their own stories at the moment for fear of jeopardising adoptions which may be in the pipeline.

Earlier this year authorities said they were ceasing all adoptions from private orphanages, though still allowing adoptions from state run centre which fostered uncertainty among those waiting to adopt.

Cllr Keating said a bilateral agreement is needed to ensure Irish couples and families can continue to adopt from the African country and added the Minister should assure Irish families that they can complete their adoptions under the current system which would be a “great relief” to them.

Cllr Keating’s motion calling for the bilateral agreement was passed by the county council so the letter will now be sent to Minister Andrews.