Ethiopia revokes licences of nine charitable organizations

25 March 2010

Ethiopia revokes licences of nine charitable organizations

APA-Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)

Ethiopia revoked the license of nine orphanages (charity organizations) who they claim to be involved in ‘illegal’ activities of child rights abuse, APA learns here on Wednesday.

The nine charity organizations have been working to adopt children for the past few years to Europe and America.

However, the office, which is in charge of registering charity organizations at the Ethiopian Ministry of Justice refused to give details as to what kind of illegal activities the organizations were involved with regards to child rights abuse.

Child trafficking is high in Ethiopia where a good number of children are reported to be adopted illegally annually.

The decision to revoke the license of the nine organizations was made while the government was undertaking re-registration of charity organizations and other NGOs that are operating in Ethiopia.
