Lived in 'Traitor's' mother's basement

10 February 2024

Saba, who is the favorite to win the Danish Melodi Grand Prix, settled in Tine Gøtzsche's basement when she became single a few years ago

That's what clicked between the TV host Tine Gøtzsche and the singer Saba when they met four years ago during the big TV show, Danmarks Indsamlingen.

Gøtzsche was the host, while Melodi Grand Prix current and big favorite Saba guested the show with her story about being an adopted child from Ethiopia.

- I don't know exactly what happened, but we just clicked. Perhaps because Tine is the mother of Jakob, who was also adopted from Ethiopia. We could do something for each other, and I think that this is how deep relationships arise, says Saba to Ekstra Bladet.

The relationship continued when the cameras turned off. Saba, whose surname is Oehlenschlæger, visited Tine Gøtzsche and her son privately.

Extra mother
- My parents live in Ringkøbing, and it was just really nice to have a kind of extra mother here in Copenhagen. I became like an older sister to Jakob, and when you, like us, are both adopted and brown-skinned, you may lack someone to look up to. That way, we share something that others cannot understand, says Saba, who came very close to the Gøtzsche family when she and her boyfriend at the time broke up.

- I moved home in their basement. When my relationship started to falter, Tine offered that I could move in with them. So I did, says now 27-year-old Saba Oehlenschlæger and continues.

- In fact, for a long time I had a room standing that I could use when I needed it. I was also there if Tine was at work and on the road. Then I was there for Jakob, she says of her extra-little brother who is eight years younger.

- I hope we win!

It was quite natural for Tine Gøtzsche to open her home to Saba Oehlenschlæger when the young singer needed it.

- If you don't do something like this for people close to someone who is in trouble, then you must be a scumbag, says the former TV host and says that she feels that she has known Saba all her life - even though is only four years.

- She came into our lives and spread her wings over my son Jakob, who is an only child. He really has got a big sister in Saba. She is very, very important to him, says Tine Gøtzsche.

Together with her son, she will be in place at the DR Koncerthuset when Saba will sing 'Sand' on February 17, for this year's Grand Prix, and with the bookmakers the song is the favorite to win.

- I can hardly be in it. I hope we win….no, now I say we. It's Saba, of course. But it also feels like us, states Tine Gøtzsche.

While Jakob is an only child, Saba Oehlenschlæger is a twin – even identical. Her sister is the musical star Andrea Lykke Oehlenschlæger.

- I share a lot with my sister, but Tine and her family I have a little to myself. Of course my parents and sister know Tine, but it's actually kind of nice that I have Tine and Jakob a little to myself, she says.

No jealousy

- What do your parents say that you've got a kind of extra mother. Are they jealous?

- No! They are not. They are happy that I have a mother figure and someone I am comfortable with here in Copenhagen. So they are in no way jealous. They are just a little further away because they live in Jutland.

- What do you appreciate most about Tine?

- She is very hot. And she is good at handling different situations. She is strong-willed, which is nice, because I can falter and overthink things myself. Tine always has the solution.

- And knitwear, I guess she always has that too?

- Yes. When I eat with her, she always knits. Or when we drink a glass of wine, says Saba, who has had Tine Gøtzsche create a bright blue shirt.

On February 17, it goes away. Stéphanie Surrugue and Sara Bro are the hosts at Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2024.