The adoption of foreign children to the lowest in 30 years in France

1 March 2015

The adoption of foreign children to the lowest in 30 years in France


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In ten years, four times less foreign children were adopted in 2014, said Saturday the Quai d'Orsay. In France, 20,000 candidates for adoption in France have a valid file.

Just over a thousand foreign children were adopted in 2014 by French parents, four times less than a decade ago, said Saturday the Quai d'Orsay, confirming a report in Le Figaro .

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that it expected "1000-1100 foreign adoptions in 2014," against 1,343 in 2013 and 4,000 in 2004.

On 30 November 2014, 935 visas were granted for adopted children arriving from abroad. The data for the full year will be available in mid-January, the ministry said.

France, fourth country in intercountry adoption

In France as in other major European countries and the United States, "the number of adoptions declines steadily as countries where these children originate prefer other ways to adopt, including in their own country, and it automatically reduces the number of children available for international adoption, "said a spokesman of the ministry.

But France is the fourth country in intercountry adoption, he said. "This represents the number of adoptions lowest in 30 years," said to BBC Beatrice Biondi, director of the French Adoption Agency (AFA), a public operator for international adoption.

"If we manage to 1,050 international adoptions" in 2014, "it will be a decline of about 22% compared to 2013," she added.

Russia, Vietnam ...

According to official statistics, one must go back to 1980 to go under the symbolic threshold of 1,000 foreign children adopted (935 visas issued that year). The decline should logically continue, notes Le Figaro, because Russia, the country of origin of adopted children on par with Vietnam, is about to put an end to individual requests for adoption only accept files submitted by accredited bodies for adoption ( OAA ) or AFA , responsible for supporting parents in their efforts and secure process.

After Russia and Vietnam, where 12% of children arrive, other countries of origin are China (7%) and equal (5%) of Thailand, Ethiopia, Colombia and Coast Ivory, the newspaper said.

20,000 candidates for adoption in France

In Africa, the number of children taken by strangers should also fall, while Mali closes its doors to international adoption or the number of countries, such as Ethiopia, tightening their controls. If the adoption was not blocked in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 50-80 adoptions more would have been done in 2014, said the Foreign Ministry.

Some 20,000 candidates for adoption have a valid license, document required to collect a child, according to Le Figaro . When they met, only 7% of adopted children under 12 months and more than half are over the age of three years.
