Bernard Arnaud the great puppeteer - oldgaffer

7 August 2020

Brave New World !!!!!

This text by Juan Branco, transmitted by Jean-Claude Bourret on his Facebook page, shows how we are all cheated, manipulated, misinformed:

Chronicles of the Oligarchy

I discovered today that the most powerful senior official in France, Marc Guillaume, Secretary General of the Government, debarred for sexism and authoritarianism, after having rained and shined for five years on the administration of our country , is married to the advertising director at Louis Vuitton, owned by Bernard Arnault.

This reminds me that Christophe Girard, deputy mayor in charge of culture in Paris, Fabiusien disembarked because of support for an assumed pedophile, is an employee of LVMH, owned by Bernard Arnault.

Why are these beings there related to this power? We could, at first, think that there is no link between these cases, consider that they are unfortunate coincidences and astonishing reconciliations, be almost indignant that such things are stated.

Let’s retrace, however, and move on.

Who is the general secretary of LVMH, owned by Bernard Arnault? Marc-Antoine Jamet, former chief of staff of Laurent Fabius.

Who gave birth to the fortune of Bernard Arnault, then Margoulin heir who had just failed in the United States, by offering him Boussac (Dior, Conforama, Le Bon Marché), with a generous subsidy? Laurent Fabius, Prime Minister of his State.

Who allowed Bernard Arnault to wrest this favor from Laurent Fabius? François Polge de Combret, former Deputy Secretary General of Giscard d'Estaing, who became a banker at Lazard.

So politicians would rely on their networks in the private sector to recruit their former collaborators, heavily paid and in turn responsible for interceding on behalf of their employers in order to capture state capital? A bit like Macron, successor to Polge de Combret, moved to Rotschild after the ENA, before being appointed SGA then Minister of the Economy and privatize what he could? Hard to believe.

Do they not sell us, these politicians and entrepreneurial heroes, in all circumstances, the suffering that the State inflicts on them, with much hype orchestrated by their lackeys, in their recruited media?

Yes. Would there be tartufferie? Perhaps. But this is not enough.

Let’s go ahead and continue.

Who was the subject of a tax audit and an adjustment of nearly a billion euros, after trying to go into tax exile in Belgium because he paid too much tax, and avoided the prison box thanks to its networks within the State?

Bernard Arnault.

Who threatened the newspapers which had revealed this affair, to stop providing them with advertising, while he is the leading advertiser in France?

Bernard Arnault.

Who recruited the all-powerful boss of the French secret services to put him at his service, manipulate information, intimidate journalists and opponents?

Bernard Arnault

Who has just gained a foothold in the Lagardère group (Hachette, Paris Match, Europe 1, Le JDD), after having done so in Gallimard and having bought Le Parisien et les Echos?

Bernard Arnault

Good. There would therefore be oligarchs, and no longer "entrepreneurs" who not content to buy high officials, would also buy media, in order to silence all this, influence politicians and obtain the favors of the state. But all the same, this reference to Marc Guillaume's intimacy, this suspicion, is misplaced. What does the business of a couple do in all of this?

Who was Nicolas Sarkozy's wedding witness, alongside Martin Bouygues, after recruiting his advisor (and witness to another marriage) and former director of Balladur's cabinet, Nicolas Bazire, as director general of his group, alongside of Clara Gaymard, wife of, Bernadette Chirac, wife of, etc?

Bernard Arnault

Who is the wife of Xavier Niel, telecommunications mogul and owner of the country's main media? Bernard Arnault's daughter.

Who was Bernard Arnault's children's teacher in the most exclusive private school in the 16th arrondissement?

Brigitte Macron

Who had dinner thanks to that every week with Bernard Arnault before being miraculously promoted as a prodigy student of the Republic by the media held by Bernard Arnault and his son-in-law, Xavier Niel (Le Monde, Le Parisien, Les Echos, Telerama, L ' Obs ...)?

Emmanuel Macron.

Who introduced Mimi Marchand to Brigitte Macron so that she offers him and her husband covers and propaganda operations centered on their couple in the whole of the press people? Xavier Niel, son-in-law of Bernard Arnault.

Who did Emmanuel Macron have appointed European Commissioner for the Economy? Thierry Breton, responsible for presiding over the foundation managing the estate of Bernard Arnault (in Belgium, of course).

We could go on and on, talk about the most powerful boss of the secret services, Bernard Squaricini, indicted for selling himself to Bernard Arnault, add to other companions and companions - think of Madame Hamon - and great men State continuing to place their men and distill their opinions while being paid by Mr. Arnault (Hubert Védrine, Renaud Dutreuil ...) to show how all this is held and draws a course where, twenty million francs stolen from his father, we manage in forty years to corrupt the whole earth, and bequeath to his children an empire produced from nothing ...

We could show how all this creates a habit which, even among the least corrupt, encourages discussion, then decision, always in the same direction which, from accommodating monetary policies to liberal orthodoxy, through a burning desire for globalization and a drop in "charges" and taxes on the best bidding, brings our country to the state in which it is.

We could talk about these Zoé Bolloré Bouygues and Zoé Arnault Niel who, now aged 7 and 9, already have more power than any of our leaders.

Let's just finish: who has seen their fortune triple, from 40 billion to 120 billion, in just four years?

Monsignor Bernard Arnault.

To the delight of the Guillaume family, their heirs and their hundreds of comrades and assimilated, so well paid.
