International adoption: what the inspection mission report could contain

24 January 2024


INFO THE CROIX. It was to be presented on Tuesday January 23, but its publication was postponed. The report of the inspection mission on international adoption raises a lot of expectations and already a little frustration, according to the members of the National Adoption Council who were entitled to a summary of the document.

This is a long-awaited document... which is still long overdue. Submitted to the government “at the end of September or beginning of October” , the report on international adoption from the government inspection mission has still not been made public. Tuesday January 23, the text was to be presented to the National Adoption Council (CNA) by the three inspectors general who drafted it – justice, foreign affairs and social affairs – but the latter's visit was ultimately canceled. “With the reshuffle, there is no one to bring this file to the government. There is no longer a children's secretary, comments Marie-Christine Le Boursicot, specialist in adoption issues, honorary advisor to the Court of Cassation.

The broad outlines of the report were, however, presented on Tuesday to members of the CNA and associations, by its president, Monique Limon, but not the document itself. Suffice to say that this situation generated frustration within the audience and, in particular, among adopted...