They fight to make the voices of children adopted abroad heard

1 January 2023

Emmanuelle Hébert and Thomas Cadorin ask that children adopted abroad be accompanied in their search for their origin. They challenge politicians and want to raise awareness among adoptees and the general public.

One evening in May 2019, Thomas Cadorin discovered that he had been the victim of child trafficking, while watching a report by Special Envoy on France 2, "Children sold from Sri Lanka".

"One day, I was taken from my mother's arms, it's unimaginable," he says.

In December 2019, back from his country of origin, he told us, with great emotion, of his reunion with his biological family. “Today, at 38, I have made progress. I want to help the younger generations, who are coming. Finding your place in life is already very complicated; it's even more difficult, when you don't know where you come from”, says Thomas.

>> At 35, he...
