Adoptions in Burkina Faso have been suspended by France

16 September 2023

France has issued a decree suspending all international adoption procedures concerning children habitually resident in Burkina Faso by any person habitually residing in France.

The Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs issued an order on September 13, 2023 relating to the suspension of international adoption procedures concerning children residing in Burkina Faso.


All international adoption procedures concerning children habitually resident in Burkina Faso by any person habitually residing in France are suspended ,” it is written in a decree dated September 13, 2023. This measure does not apply " to the procedures which gave rise, on the date of publication of this decree, to an agreement by the Burkinabe Central Authority for the implementation of the Hague Convention of May 29, 1993", it is specified .

Degraded relations between France and Burkina Faso

Friday September 15, Burkina Faso decided to expel the military attaché of the French embassy , ​​accused of “ subversive activities ”, giving him two weeks to leave the country.

Relations between France and Burkina have continued to deteriorate since Captain Ibrahim Traoré came to power in a military coup in September 2022, the second in eight months. In March, Burkina Faso denounced a 1961 military agreement with France, a few weeks after demanding and obtaining the withdrawal of the French “ Sabre ” force from this country plagued by jihadist violence.