French and U.S. embassies, interested in the Adoption law

19 June 2013

Little Miracles International Adoption

3 July 2013 ·

Translated by Vali Nash

French and U.S. embassies, interested in the Adoption law

Jun 19th, 2013 | de Buna Ziua Fagaras

The draft of the new adoption law, submitted by Senator Sebastian Grapa, came to the attention of the embassies of the U.S. and France. Given that nationally there is currently a large number of families or individuals who want to adopt, it was shown that the existing procedures for their certification are not correlated with the duration of the adoption process or procedures by which such a family goes through the process of matching with a child for whom the court declared the opening of adoption procedures.

The overall objective of the amendments intended through this draft law is to ensure the right of every child to be raised in a family and to avoid keeping the child in the special protection system.

The meeting between all institutional factors was facilitated by Liberal Senator Sebastian Grapa, a member of the Senate Juridical Commission, in the context of the Romanian Parliament as the country's main legislative body is the institution which receives for discussion and approval any draft amending a law already in force.

At this moment, the draft of the new adoption law is registered at the Senate Secretariat, where it has been submitted by Senator Sebastian Grapa who promotes and politically supports the new law.

In order to have a strong support for the adoption of the law, Senator Sebastian Grapa had two meetings with Duane C.Butcher, charge d'affaires ad interim of the U.S. Embassy in Romania, and with Philippe Gustin, French Ambassador in Romania.

At these meetings, the two states declared their full support for Senator Sebastian Grapa’s project to open international adoptions in Romania. [...]

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