Subsidy to Servier laboratories: whistleblower Irène Frachon denounces a "scandal"

25 March 2022

The pulmonologist denounces an "insult to the victims of the Mediator" after according to Franceinfo, the government confirmed the 800,000 euros in subsidies to Servier laboratories, sentenced in 2021 for "aggravated deception" and "homicides and involuntary injuries" in the health scandal.

A grant that does not pass. The pulmonologist Irène Frachon , at the origin of the Mediator affair marketed by Servier laboratories, denounced Friday on franceinfo a “scandal” after according to franceinfo, the government confirmed the 800,000 euros subsidy to Servier laboratories.

“It's an insult to the victims of Pick. It would be laughable if it weren't just disturbing. And if that did not show a total cynical indifference to public health issues, ”she said after the revelations of franceinfo .

Certain drugs deemed useless or even dangerous

The media revealed on Friday that the pharmaceutical group would receive a state subsidy to manufacture more molecules "of major therapeutic interest" in France and regain its pharmaceutical sovereignty. Among the five drugs concerned, some are considered useless or even dangerous by the health authorities, as revealed this week by Le Canard Enchaîné. These are Triplixam and Vastarel, produced in the Gidy plant (Loiret).

In the Mediator health scandal, a drug accused of causing the death of nearly 2,000 people, Servier laboratories were found guilty in 2021 of “aggravated deception” and “involuntary homicide and injury”. They were ordered to pay the state a fine of 2.7 million euros. The laboratories appealed.
