Mulock Houwer Lecture 2023 - Defence for Children

7 September 2023

Stop pointing fingers at the government and take joint responsibility for the success of youth care. Tom van Yperen makes this call to the youth field. On Thursday, November 16, the educationalist and expert on the quality of the youth system will deliver the twelfth edition of the annual Mulock Houwer lecture at the Netherlands Youth Institute.

Innovation in youth care has been necessary for decades. At the end of the last century, Mulock Houwer made proposals that are still relevant today. Such as his plea to work more on an outpatient basis with families and to phase out residential care. Why is it that we are still struggling with the same problems more than 50 years later? According to Van Yperen, things often go wrong as soon as a good idea is converted into legislation. The parties involved tinker with the content so much that in the end there is little left of it.

Critical, but hopeful

Can youth care actually change? Van Yperen is looking for an answer to that question. He is critical, but hopeful. Van Yperen draws hope from the unique collaboration for the Reform Agenda. Let this be the starting point for shared responsibility, he argues.

His criticism is aimed at the policy focus in the sector. Not the reform itself, but the major social youth issues should be central. Such as the increasing use of youth care and the decline in the mental well-being of young people. These require broad, social solutions.

Van Yperen advocates giving parents, educators, children and young people a strong role in this. 'Young people are speaking out. They have the power to push the established parties out of their way.'

About Tom van Yperen

Tom van Yperen is a remedial educationalist. His work is mainly focused on the quality of care and services for children, young people and their educators. He advises institutions, municipalities, national organizations and governments on the quality and transformation of the youth system and developments in appropriate education. Van Yperen has 20 years of experience as a professor. First at Utrecht University, then at the University of Groningen. He stimulates a lot of research into the effectiveness and further development of youth care in practice. He brings his personal knowledge and experience into the lecture.

Mulock Houwer

Daniël Quirijn Robert Mulock Houwer (1903-1985) is an influential figure in the history of youth care. He himself grew up in private educational institutions where punishment and oppression determined the educational climate. He moved from foster home to foster home. In the mid-1920s he began a long career in youth care. First at various institutions for young people who could not live at home, later as head of the National Office for Child Protection. Mulock Houwer did not preach reforms from behind his desk, but brought about changes and improvements that resulted from his experiences in practice. Anyone who now delves into his ideas will be surprised by the current significance of his work.


The program is as follows:
• 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM reception with coffee and tea
• 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM lecture
• 5:30 PM informal networking drinks

Historic location

The lecture will take place in the Children's Rights House in Leiden. This historic building housed an orphanage for almost 400 years. Nowadays, various children's rights organizations have their offices there and concerts and conferences are organized there. Mulock Houwer's library is also located in the building.

To register

We have received many registrations in a short time. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to attend the lecture at this time. Would you like to attend the live stream? Then yes. You can register for the livestream here. 

More information:

The Mulock Houwer lecture is an initiative of the Netherlands Youth Institute and Defense for Children in collaboration with the Pro Juventute Support Fund Foundation and the Canon Care for Youth.