Less children adopted from abroad Last year, in the Netherlands 488 children were adopted, the lowest in 40 years. The number of

23 March 2015

Less children adopted from abroad

23 March 2015

(Google Translation)

Last year, in the Netherlands 488 children were adopted, the lowest in 40 years. The number of parents that hands in a request for adoption declined the last 5 years with 75 %.

The number of adoptions decreases strongly worldwide. In 2004 still 45.000 adoptions took place, only 23.000 in 2011.

Several factors contributed to the decline. Continuous reports about shabby procedures are part of the causes. Also most children that are available for adoption are older than 2 years or handicapped. Adoptive parents prefer younger, non-handicapped children.

Non deductible

Also, due to the progress in science, through which parents can get their own children, the demand for children for adoption is going down. Also, adoption costs at least ten thousand euros, and often much more. Since the beginning of this year these costs are no longer tax detuctable, writes the 'Volkskrant'.

Furthermore, less children are offered for adoption. That is because of the economic progress in Asia and South America. Also countries prefer to care for their orphans in their own country or the borders are closed for intercountry adoptions because of media-reporting about imprecise procedures or child trafficking [trade in children].