Call: TV makers looking for distance mothers - MAX Vandaag

29 March 2021

From 1956 onwards, ten thousand women gave up their children. They were often young, disgraced their families and the new adoption law made it easier to give up a child. But by no means always this was voluntary for the women. Many mothers never saw their children again.

Distance mothers program

Did you give up your child for adoption in the 50s, 60s, 70s or 80s of the last century? Have you been walking around for years with the question: Where is my child? The program Where is my child? from 3CTV would like to help you with your search. In this series, the program makers go in search of their child with Dutch, biological mothers. They support and guide the mothers. The goal is to find the child, but just as important is the way there. In Where is my child? the makers follow the mothers, they listen to your story and the taboo that still exists on your story in the Netherlands is broken. With this program, attention is finally being paid to mothers who lost their child to adoption.

On March 29, 2021, Time for MAX will also pay attention to this topic.

Sign up for Where is my child?

Would you like to get in touch with the makers of this program? Fill in the form below. Pay attention! Responding in this way is no guarantee that your story will be covered in the program in any case.

Call: Where is my child?

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