Drag queens rejected by Uber drivers during Pride: 'He said I wasn't human'

11 August 2021

Despite an earlier agreement, taxi drivers who operate through Uber in Amsterdam have again refused drag queens. 

Johan Hol is one of the drag queens who was not allowed to get into a taxi. "When the Uber driver saw that I was in drag, he said he would not give me a ride because I was not human." 

It also happened to drag queen Sletlana, who points out that Uber's website is all rainbow-themed. "Your route is colored in rainbow colors. They say they offer safety for everyone. But it seems like pink-washing ."


"They say they provide safety for everyone. But it seems like pink-washing"

drag queen Sletlana

In 2019, a declaration of intent for a 'discrimination-free taxi market' was signed by Uber, all Amsterdam Authorized Taxi Organizations (TTOs) and the municipality, among others. But Richard Keldoulis, also known as drag queen Jennifer Hopelezz , does not think it has helped.

"I think it's actually gotten worse," Keldoulis says. He says at least four drag queens were turned away at this year's Pride. "It's horrible. You see rainbow flags everywhere, all over the city, but at the same time there's a lot of homophobia, still in Amsterdam and the Netherlands unfortunately." 


"You see rainbow flags everywhere, but at the same time there is a lot of homophobia"

Richard Keldoulis, drag queen Jennifer Hopelezz

Uber is investigating the incidents. "Discrimination based on who you are and what you look like is unacceptable and I find it very sad that this happened," says General Manager Willem van Limburg Stierum. 

D66 asked the city council for clarification today .