Project Roots - Wereldkinderen

12 March 2022

Project History and Roots

Wereldkinderen started the 'History and Roots' project in 2017 to collect available information.

Publications adoption

A report per country from which more than 200 children were adopted to the Netherlands describes the social, economic and cultural context at the time of the adoptions in the period 1970-2000.

Adoption file

A file has been kept of all mediations that have taken place via Wereldkinderen. Read more about these files .

Request adoption file

It is always possible to request a copy of your file. We call this a copy. Read what we need for this .

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I go for research into my own roots?

Who can I contact with questions about my file?

Adoptions from the 70s and 80s

Project History and Roots; About which countries is a report published?
