About - parental leave.

16 February 2021

Welcome here! Karenz. is Karen Gregory's personal life (style) blog. I am in my early 40s and live near Arnhem with my husband, son and dog. I was once one of the first life bloggers in the Netherlands, when I started blogging in 2001, I was one of the first 50,000 bloggers in the country. I have been nominated several times for awards in the Netherlands and Belgium, including several times for a Dutch Bloggie.

I have a background in the media and have worked for over 10 years with various media operators, media agencies and a producer. After that I trained as a weight consultant and I was a branch manager of a weight loss clinic for a number of years. I have also been working as a freelancer for 7 years and I advise companies in the field of social media.

After running the lifestyle magazine Dejlig for several years, I switched to a more personal blog in February 2017. Dejlig was incredibly successful with about 50,000 unique visitors per month, but a large survey I conducted among my readers showed that most readers liked the personal articles the most. Moreover, I personally find blogging the best thing to do. So 1 + 1 is 2 and Karenz. was born.

Karenz. is well read by the 30+ woman, but of course you are also very welcome if you have not yet passed that age.

Here you can read about various topics such as, of course, lifestyle, beauty, food, health, tips, home design, fashion, mom and kids and much more.

In addition to Karenz. I am editor-in-chief of MOMmag., the lifestyle platform for (expectant) mothers.

Reach Karenz.

Of course we are always open to questions and collaborations such as sponsored posts, advertorials and competitions. You can find more information about this under the heading Collaborations.

Karenz. now reaches about 50,000 unique visitors per month (March 2018).

If you are interested in further (reach) figures, I will send you my media kit with love. You will also find more information on the Collaborations page.

mail: karen@karenz.nl

Twitter: @Karenz_nl

Facebook: www.facebook.com/karenz.nl

Instagram: Karenz.nl

