Vlogging in search of biological parents

9 February 2021

Muniz Dekker was adopted from the city 26 years ago. From Brazil he came to live in Eenrum when he was two. Now Dekker is looking for his biological parents. He takes us on his quest through vlogs.

Dekker accurately keeps track of all his steps in the search for his biological parents. He makes extensive vlogs about this . Despite being adopted 26 years ago, he started his search and his vlogs last December. And that is not without reason.

'I thought it was too confrontational'

'Eleven months ago I became a father to a daughter and since then my interest has been rekindled. I have worked on it a few times in the past, but that came to nothing and then I stopped looking. I also found it too confronting, not knowing what I would encounter. '

Quest for little daughter

Now that he has a daughter, he would like to know from whom she would have her genes. And Dekker also thinks that there will come a time when she will wonder where her father comes from. He would like to be able to answer that. "I didn't want to transfer the pain and the emptiness I felt to her."

Already in touch with family

Dekker wants to tackle it thoroughly and has even made an 'investigation wall' in his study where he can list all the leads in his search. His search goes beyond expectations. Because he had few leads, he thought it would be very difficult, but he is now even in contact with family.

Through them he was told a possible scenario about the reason for his adoption, but he remains cautious about that. "I want to make sure first and hear from family who are closer."

According to this scenario, he would have been left with a half-brother in a house where a neighbor took him out and brought him to child protection.

No regrets he didn't start sooner

Even now that he knows this, he does not regret not having started his search earlier. This is just the right time for him. "I hadn't dared this way before, it would have been too emotional." He now enjoys it and is very motivated.

Dekker is hopeful that he will get the whole story on the table by vlogging. He is assisted in this by three interpreters in Brazil and the Netherlands. And maybe the moment will finally come when he travels to Brazil for the first time in his life.