


Title Publication date
There is* still money available to search for biological parents – and then what? 2 May 2024
Activists not convinced about Norwegian adoption investigation 23 January 2024
Swiss say thousands of children likely illegally adopted abroad 8 December 2023
Swiss authorities looked the other way for decades 8 December 2023
Report on illegal adoptions: Have there been thousands of other irregularities in Switzerland? 8 December 2023
Indications of Illegal Adoptions of Children from Ten Countries of Origin in Switzerland, 1970s to 1990s, Inventory of Documents in the Swiss Federal Archives November 2023
Design session country-specific pilot project Indonesia started 6 October 2023
VG reveals: This is how Norway was notified about the sale of children, corruption and false identities 4 September 2023
VG reveals: This is how Norway was notified about the sale of children, corruption and false identities 4 September 2023
Center for Children, Law and Ethics 22 July 2023
Al veertig jaar hopen Braziliaanse moeders op vergiffenis na schimmige adoptieprocedures - NRC (For 40 years, Brazilian mothers 16 April 2023
False certificates and forced abandonment: study documents irregular adoptions of foreigners in France 9 February 2023
Lara Mallo about her adoption: "I was convinced that people I love would leave me" 3 January 2023
SP Member of Parliament Van Nispen in motion: 'Withdraw appeal in adoption cases' 8 December 2022
VPRO documentary prize 2022 to Filho - VPRO 7 October 2022
The Story of Adoption 19 August 2022
Glenn & David's Story 8 May 2022
Adoption TikTok: Building Community and Critiquing the U.S. Adoption System 11 April 2022
Adoption from abroad will soon be allowed again: 'This gives hope of finally having a baby' 11 April 2022
Adoption TikTok: Building Community and Critiquing the U.S. Adoption System 11 April 2022
Hope and anger about cabinet plans for foreign adoptions: 'My life is extremely difficult' 8 April 2022
Blood connection isn't everything 22 February 2022
‘My missing piece’: Perth man reconnects with Brazilian family who put him up for adoption 7 February 2022
'I was trafficked as a baby. At 30, I found family in Brazil' 31 January 2022
'Do You Believe in Miracles?' How celebrity faith healer was exposed as rapist and abuser 3 January 2022
The aftermath of transnational illegal adoptions: Redressing human rights violations in the intercountry adoption system with in 31 December 2021
France: why are international adoptions in free fall? 28 December 2021
Carlos (29) was severely abused and mutilated as a child, now he gets artificial skin 16 December 2021
The Hague Court rules on intercountry adoption cases 2 December 2021
Judgments in intercountry adoption cases 24 November 2021
Examining International Adoption 9 November 2021
Patrick was adopted illegally: 'You lack ownership of your identity' 30 October 2021
International child trafficking gang leaves victims in Ceará and Goiás 6 July 2021
Meet the forensic expert who uses DNA tests to trace and return lost children to families around the world 25 June 2021
Netherlands stops international adoptions after Brazilian demonstrates that he was taken illegally - Brazil - Estadão 8 March 2021
In search of biological parents, Brazilian changes rule of adoption in the Netherlands 26 February 2021
Vlogging in search of biological parents 9 February 2021
Investigation into role of government in illegal adoptions abroad 29 January 2021
Mothers and children separated by illegal adoption unite in family searches 6 December 2020
“Adopted”: Series about Brazilians adopted by Israelis debuts at Discovery Investigation 6 March 2020
Orphans as young as four are forced to parade in front of potential foster parents for 'adoption catwalk show' likened to a slav 23 May 2019
The Brazilian dictatorship kidnapped me as a baby, and I still have no answers 8 April 2019
Alarms about irregularities from the majority of major countries Sweden adopted from 21 February 2019
Notorious celebrity faith healer John of God 'sold babies' to Australians 14 January 2019
Onderzoek naar illegale adopties rijt oude wonden open in Tuitjenhorn 5 January 2019
Justitie stopte illegale adoptie in doofpot 4 January 2019
Mondje dicht! Ambtenaren knepen oogje toe bij ‘handel in baby's’ 8 December 2018
Vorderingen op grond van illegale adoptie verjaard (Brazilie) 5 July 2017
Malta registers lowest child adoption for 10 years 26 March 2016
Brazilian adoption recognised in England and Wales 5 June 2015
Conference: Prevention of Family Breakdown due to Poverty 17 September 2014
Couple Together For 7 Years Find Out Shocking – And Creepy – Bombshell About Their RelationshipCouple Together For 7 Years Find 8 August 2014
Brazil Eases Child Adoption for Foreigners 15 April 2014
The right to have a family: ‘legal trafficking of children’, adoption and birth control in Brazil 13 August 2013
Brasile: Patricia Lamego destituita dall’incarico di Coordinatrice dell’Autorità Centrale 26 March 2013
Brazil prepares guidance booklet for people adopted by foreigners 20 March 2013
National Council of Justice investigates suspected illegal adoption in Bahia 16 October 2012
Human traffickers sell children to paedophiles (Germany, Haiti) 15 April 2011
Italian official claims link between homosexual adoption and human trafficking 21 September 2010
Voetballer Rafael van Rijn is opgetogen teruggekeerd uit Brazilië na de hereniging met zijn Braziliaanse familie. 12 November 2009
Il Melegrano Network - Newsletter 1 June 2009
The "legal traffic" of children in Brazil 1 January 2009
Further steps towards the UN Guidelines on Children without Parental Care 11 June 2008
People who go abroad to adopt January 2008
Mail Sandberg to: EU changes position (Strategy) 1 November 2007
The Deadly Trade of Child Organ Trafficking 20 January 2007
BCN Initiatives - Better Care Network 18 December 2006
Facilitating global exchange around children without adequante family care. Promoting appropriate responses. 18 December 2006
Blog: Amazing Brazil Adoption 23 March 2006
Adoption Legislation Brazil - Resolution 1/2000 2000
`We rolden van de ene leugen in de andere' Een echtpaar uit Enschede zou een kind uit Brazilië hebben geroofd. 18 March 1999
Optimisme over `geroofd' adoptiekind (Brazilie) 15 March 1999
The roads of baby trafficking 26 February 1999
the city of lost children - IS A BRAZILIAN JUDGE STEALING BABIES FOR AMERICAN FAMILIES? 10 February 1999
Argumenten Amsterdams gerechtshof bij toekenning adoptie-kind aan alleenstaande moeder 31 July 1995
Brasile: si cela un traffico di organi dietro l' adozione di bambini disabili 10 August 1994
Brazil cracks EC report on organ trade 16 September 1993
Brasile, una donna spietata dietro la tratta dei bimbi 26 January 1992
Adoption Internationale et trafic d'enfants, myths et realites January 1991
Mafia betrokken bij kinderhandel (Brazilie) 10 October 1990
Mafia betrokken bij kinderhandel (Brazilie) 2 October 1990
Nederlanders weer vrij in Santos 16 February 1985
Dutch not in baby trade 14 February 1985
Wij hebben niets verkeerd gedaan. Gearresteerde 'handelaren in kinderen' weer thuis 14 February 1985
Illegale adopties baby's; Braziliaanse advocate aangehouden 23 March 1983
Stichting in Groesbeek beticht van babysmokkel 12 March 1983
Profiteering from the sale of babies 5 March 1983
Braziliaanse van illegale adoptie baby's verdacht 24 February 1983
Illegaal adopteren vaak een noodsprong; We schamen ons hier helemaal niet voor (investigation NL Peru is ongoing) 1 January 1983
Adoption from Brazil - 1974 1974
VG avslører: Slik ble Norge varslet om salg av barn, korrupsjon og falske identiteter - VG