Design session country-specific pilot project Indonesia started
6 October 2023

To increase search options in countries of origin, pilot projects will be supported by INEA from 2023. This support comes specifically from the services that INEA offers regarding Searches & Country Approach. On Wednesday, September 20, 2023, the first design session of the country-specific pilot project Indonesia took place at INEA.

The pilot process starts with country-specific design sessions. This first Indonesia design session was held to map the current search infrastructure with the aim of improving it. During this session the following eight pillars were discussed:  

1. Legislation and Regulations                                                
2. Technological Tools                                                   
3. Culture                                                                                                                                          
4. Best Practices                                                                                                                       
5. Stakeholders         
6. Group Knowledge                                                    
7. Database/Register                      
8. Remaining Aspects 

The design session

For each pillar, general knowledge, risks and opportunities were brainstormed. The results have been inventoried and processed in a report, which will be shared with the participants of the relevant session. Following this successful meeting, follow-up sessions will be scheduled at a time yet to be determined in order to arrive at a concrete pilot project.   

Share your knowledge

Do you have knowledge about countries such as Bangladesh, Brazil or Colombia and are you interested in participating in the design session of these countries? Then we would like to get in touch with you!