


Title Publication date
There is* still money available to search for biological parents – and then what? 2 May 2024
The adoption center arranges its first group return trip to India! 9 April 2024
Activists not convinced about Norwegian adoption investigation 23 January 2024
Genesis of the project: International Social Service 19 January 2024
Taiwan affected by international adoptions decision 18 January 2024
Norway considers halting overseas adoptions as Denmark's only international agency winds down work 17 January 2024
Swiss say thousands of children likely illegally adopted abroad 8 December 2023
Report on illegal adoptions: Have there been thousands of other irregularities in Switzerland? 8 December 2023
Swiss authorities looked the other way for decades 8 December 2023
The uncomfortable truth is that overseas adoptions will never be fraud-free Sculpture by Saskia Vanderstichele 29 November 2023
HLN RESEARCH. Eva adopted Alex (10) from Colombia last year, but now makes a shocking discovery: “Why was everyone silent about this?” 28 November 2023
Considering a full stop in adoption: The married couple fear that their dream will be crushed 24 November 2023
Indications of Illegal Adoptions of Children from Ten Countries of Origin in Switzerland, 1970s to 1990s, Inventory of Documents in the Swiss Federal Archives November 2023
Slik ble Norge varslet om ulovlige adopsjons-betalinger - VG - This is how Norway was notified of illegal adoption payments 27 October 2023
Merger of adoption services leads to unrest among prospective parents 19 October 2023
Design session country-specific pilot project Indonesia started 6 October 2023
- What if someone had asked my biological mother: "Did you think it was for the best that your child was stolen from you?" 18 September 2023
VG reveals: This is how Norway was notified about the sale of children, corruption and false identities 4 September 2023
VG reveals: This is how Norway was notified about the sale of children, corruption and false identities 4 September 2023
Natalie was adopted to Norway while her mother thought she was stillborn 8 August 2023
Explainer: State Department releases annual report on intercountry adoptions 19 July 2023
Adopted Diego also victim of Spoorloos fixer: 'Was lied to' 16 July 2023
Foreign adoption: 'No one has the courage to stop it' 20 June 2023
'Every child deserves love': Franksville couple adopts 3 brothers from Ecuador, thanks to grant from Wisconsin nonprofit 24 May 2023
Couple torture adopted child to death, receive life sentence in Jordan 23 February 2023
Calls for better follow-up of adopted children: - Mum, I want to be like the others 18 February 2023
Flanders stops adoptions from Vietnam: “Insufficient guarantees to rule out malpractice” 14 February 2023
Three countries of origin are given the green light for further adoption cooperation after extensive screening 14 February 2023
Three countries of origin are given the green light for further adoption cooperation after extensive screening 14 February 2023
Looking for a home. Iresha's story 12 February 2023
False certificates and forced abandonment: study documents irregular adoptions of foreigners in France 9 February 2023
Winthrop Man Accused of Sexually Assaulting Child He Adopted From Colombia Last Year 12 January 2023
Sebastian Kruis (PVV) went looking for his biological mother: 'adoption file was correct' 30 December 2022
Barbara was linked to the wrong family by 'Spoorloos': "You can't be careless with adoption" 19 December 2022
Barbara, duped without a trace, still finds her real mother 15 December 2022
Bevestiging zoeken in oude foto van je moeder (Look for confirmation in your mother's old photo) 28 October 2022
Spoorloos initiates external investigation into controversial fixer in Colombia 17 October 2022
Unrest among adoption organizations after Colombia mismatches 14 October 2022
Adopted Jody Bernal after unveiling Spoorloos: 'It has been rumbling for years' 13 October 2022
Unrest among adoption organizations after mismatches in Colombia 13 October 2022
World children are shocked by the role in mismatches in Colombia: 'Very serious if this is true' 12 October 2022
Tv-programma Spoorloos koppelde zeker twee deelnemers aan verkeerde familie (TV program Spoorloos linked at least two participan 11 October 2022
KRO-NCRV screens more carefully after incorrectly linked families in Spoorloos 11 October 2022
Dutch worked with Colombian fixer: 'She hired him in unsafe situations' 11 October 2022
Kees van der Spek overwhelmed with reactions: 'More people with doubts about the search for parents' 11 October 2022
Fiom : Frequently asked questions searches Colombia 10 October 2022
Multiple wrong matches made in Spoorloos 10 October 2022
False Narratives: Illicit Practices in Colombian Transnational Adoption 28 September 2022
Adoptions from six countries must be scrutinized 31 August 2022
Experience story Danielle 22 August 2022
The youngest and longest serving MP in conversation: 'Pim Fortuyn was a very important moment' 5 August 2022
Looking for a home. The Story of Iresha 26 July 2022
9 Colombian Kids Visit Loudoun Seeking Adoption 12 July 2022
Home blind to make the Adoption Center experts on themselves 23 May 2022
The Hague PVV councilor finds his biological mother in Colombia: "Went absurdly fast" 21 May 2022
Organizing and Activism of Adopted and Displaced People 13 May 2022
Adoption from abroad will soon be allowed again: 'This gives hope of finally having a baby' 11 April 2022
Adopted left with more questions than answers 28 March 2022
Church fires cathedral cantor over two babies Gerd-Peter Münden wants children from surrogate mothers in Colombia 26 March 2022
The National Board of Appeal's four notes on a study of the Danish adoption agency from Colombia, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Sri 17 March 2022
The Social and Elderly Committee (SOU) Alm. share 16 March 2022
International adoption figures 11 March 2022
Blood connection isn't everything 22 February 2022
Melissa, the former street child among the most vulnerable minors in Malawi 23 January 2022
The aftermath of transnational illegal adoptions: Redressing human rights violations in the intercountry adoption system with in 31 December 2021
France: why are international adoptions in free fall? 28 December 2021
Looking for a home. The Story of Iresha 27 December 2021
A French woman sentenced for having abandoned a child she had adopted in the Congo 19 December 2021
New report: Half of Norwegian foreign adoptees experience being discriminated against 22 November 2021
North Texas woman who played role in horrific abuse pleads guilty in adoption scam Read more at: 19 November 2021
International adoptions continue to decline 24 October 2021
Matthias, Sarah and Johanna Labee went looking for their roots 14 August 2021
Sebastian is looking for his mother after a hard adoption report: 'Maybe not abandoned after all' 27 July 2021
Andrea was illegally adopted from Colombia: 'It has been a huge grief' 7 June 2021
Same-sex couples can now adopt children from Colombia 28 May 2021
‘I suffer every day,’ Woman says child sex assault charges for her father are long overdue 20 May 2021
800 Colombian adoptions to the West are suspected to be illegal 18 April 2021
Choosing a Party with Libelle: the photo album of Kees van der Staaij (SGP) 25 February 2021
Hard report hurts adoptive parents: 'As if I am part of a criminal circuit' 13 February 2021
Colombian mother about Dutch adoption: 'They said my son was dead' 10 February 2021
Adoption has been viewed through naive rose-colored glasses for far too long 8 February 2021
Investigation into role of government in illegal adoptions abroad 29 January 2021
Country Programs | Department of Social Services,… 26 August 2020
John Erik was kidnapped and adopted to Norway. Now he has heard 20 similar stories 31 January 2020
Temporary Cessation of The Barker Adoption Foundation’s Adoption Programs in China, Colombia, and India 13 August 2019
Project Historie en Roots 17 June 2019
Adoptiekinderen zoeken familie in Colombia: 'Nederland is medeverantwoordelijk' 10 June 2019
Jody Bernal: 'als adoptieouder kun je een deel niet opvullen' 7 March 2019
Alarms about irregularities from the majority of major countries Sweden adopted from 21 February 2019
Back to the Origin: The Woman Helping Adopted People Find Their Birth Parents 14 February 2019
Onderzoek naar rol Nederlandse ambtenaren bij illegale adopties 6 December 2018
Locating Colombia’s stolen children 21 June 2017
Policy plan example - BELEIDSPLAN [2017 – 2020] 2017
They are the first same-sex couple in Sweden to adopt internationally 3 November 2016
Illegal baby sale, abortion ring dismantled in Colombia 28 May 2015
Colombia closed the door for foreign adoption 30 May 2013
Court evaluates whether grave error that allowed gay journalist adopt 22 May 2013
Investigan mysterious donation in London for $ 3.4 million 27 April 2013
International Adoptions, Colombia. The data for the first two months of 2013: take the special needs, the collapse IAPAS 12 March 2013
License temporarily suspended adoptions to Los Pisingos 3 December 2012
Colombia has 2nd most adoptions in Latin America 17 August 2012
Mr., Mrs. Ted Holt celebrate 50 years 21 July 2012
Adopción legal? (Steven - Netherlands/Colombia) 15 April 2012
Hilversum (RNW) - De Nederlandse adoptieouders Marco en Brigitta Neervoort, die in Colombia twee weken vast zitten in een hotel, 10 September 2011
Nederlandse adoptie-ouders Colombia iets hoopvoller 29 August 2011
Doctors convicted of Bogota baby trafficking 4 March 2011
In search of adoption, childless German couples go abroad 22 September 2010
Sieg für Schweizer NGO im Kampf gegen Pädophilie 19 August 2010
Colombian visitors get teary adios 22 July 2010
Gay couple adoption still prohibited: Constitutional Court 12 November 2009
KRO Spoorloos: Herenigd met verkeerde moeder? 9 November 2009
List available Children November 2009
Josephine Baker's Rainbow Tribe 2 October 2009
Program Gives Older Orphans A Five-Week Taste of Family 6 August 2009
Kidsave Brings Columbian Orphans to LA in Search of a Forever Family 9 July 2009
Older Children Find Homes in Germany 20 April 2009
Sponsor A Child, Adoption Center collaborate on child rights 10 March 2009
Adoption scandal has prompted only minor changes 14 February 2009
Spence-Chapin Colombia Programme 2009
1.660 niños siguen esperando un hogar 7 November 2008
Requiem pour un Reve 16 April 2008
Klacht Hogar ten aanzien van Colombia ICBF 17 September 2007
KIDSAVE: Over 1,000 Happy Endings 1 August 2004
Bericht uit Bogota · We hebben onze “auto” 6 February 2004
Forum Chiquitines 2004
Children in Residential Care Conference, Stockholm 12-15 May 2003 15 May 2003
'Nu zijn we ineens ouders' - Colombia 12 August 2000
The roads of baby trafficking 26 February 1999
Colombia ratified Hague 1 November 1998
Minder adopties uit buitenland in 1993 6 April 1994
Five childless Swedish couples heading for Colombia to adopt... Plane crash 27 November 1983
Colombian mothers and the adoption process 20 September 1982
Duizenden babies illegaal naar West-Europa 17 October 1981
Adoption affair does not lead to prosecution 15 September 1981
Tante verdiende grof geld aan kleuters 28 July 1981
Verkochte Colombiaanse baby's mogelijk ook in ons land 25 July 1981
Instellingen willen gedragscode ter voorkoming adoptie schandalen 16 May 1981
Will not stop adoptions from abroad
VG avslører: Slik ble Norge varslet om salg av barn, korrupsjon og falske identiteter - VG