17 October 2022

As a child, the adopted Joedi already watched 'Spoorloos' and hoped that Derk would go to Colombia for her too. And it worked. In Colombia, Derk not only finds the mother, but also the father of Joedi. The DNA test provides certainty, but Joedi also looks very much like her biological mother.

Before the broadcast, Derk Bolt tells where participants with doubts can report . He finds it particularly painful that not all matches have gone well in the past. Derk guarantees that this can no longer happen with DNA testing.


The 36-year-old Joedi was adopted from Colombia. She has known for a long time how to track down her biological family. “When I thought about my biological family, I naturally thought 'I want to meet them, so I want to go find them'. Spoorloos always passed by in the same stream of thoughts, she says. “After that, Derk always came. That whole train of thought is one.”

When Derk was kidnapped in Colombia in 2017 , while making the program, Joedi was equally afraid that he would never go there again. “Then I thought 'well there goes my dream'. Quite a selfish thought when I think about it now," admits Joedi with a laugh. “Because I think it is quite traumatic and intense to experience that, but I actually thought first of myself and then of Derk.”


Fortunately, Derk still goes to Colombia and there he quickly finds Joedi's family. They still live at the address stated on the adoption papers. Joedi's mother and half-sister live on the other side of Bogota, Derk goes there too. “She looks a lot like my mother”, says one of Joedi's half-sisters with emotion when she sees a photo. "She is very pretty." Joedi's mother is called Maria Alis. She would like to tell you why her life turned out this way.

“When I was young, two of my brothers often touched me,” Maria Alis says tensely. “I really liked that. They sexually abused me.” When she is almost fifteen years old, Maria Alis decides to leave the parental home and ends up in the city. Shortly afterwards she becomes pregnant, after which she returns home to have the baby. She then becomes pregnant again, this time from Joedi. “I was desperate,” Maria Alis says about that time. On the advice of a neighbor, she goes back to the city to start the adoption there.

At the meeting in Colombia many tears and hugs flow. Joedi's biological father is also tracked down. He has never discussed Joedi with Maria Alis, but a DNA test shows that his suspicion is correct. He really is Joedi's father.
