Unrest among adoption organizations after mismatches in Colombia

13 October 2022

Following the news that a number of participants of the 'Spoorloos' program in Colombia have not been linked to the correct biological family, there are signs of unrest among adoption organizations. Stichting Wereldkinderen, the only Dutch organization with a permit that mediates in Colombia adoption, has received three questions, says director Jeroen Jansen when asked. According to Inez Teurlings of the Interlandelijk Adoptees Foundation, there are concerns among some adoptees after the revelations about the mismatches.

"There are questions about whether some DNA tests have been performed correctly"

"It causes unrest. There are questions whether some DNA tests have been carried out correctly. Cheap tests only test on four points, with others on twenty. We think the latter tests are more reliable, but they are a lot more expensive, around 400 euros," said Teurlings. "There must also be heard and heard about Edwin Vela's actions."

Furthermore, according to Teurlings, the way Spoorloos presenter Derk Bolt reacted poorly in the community. Derk said on Wednesday evening in talk show Khalid & Sophie that he continues to believe in the discredited fixer.

The broadcast of the program Scammers Tackled , in which the mismatches come to light, can, according to the Wereldkinderen foundation, 'lead to emotions and questions in people who, from whatever role, feel connected to adoption in general or adoptions from Colombia in particular'. , according to a message on the website. Jansen does not want to comment further 'on the nature of the responses we receive, since they are of a personal nature'.

In the past, the organization worked together with Edith Nieman, who, as a representative, was in contact with adoptive parents from Colombia for many years. The AD reported on Tuesday that complaints were received from adoptive parents at the time that they would enrich themselves financially at their expense. According to the AD , she would also have collaborated several times with fixer Vela. Jansen says that the collaboration with Nieman ended in 2004, but does not answer any further questions about the collaboration.

Organization Fiom, which helps people with parentage research, has placed more information on the website about the searches that the organization is doing in Colombia after the media attention about the mismatches. Fiom works in Colombia with the government institute ICBF. "We do not work with Edwin Vela and have never done so. We received few questions or comments about the searches," a spokesperson said.
