

Title Publication date
Fiom : Vacancy Caregiver Relationship Questions (28-32 hours) 1 May 2023
FIOM: Search for missing children from Argentina 4 April 2023
FIOM: Vacancy Policy Advisor Program Relationship Questions 24-28 hours 3 April 2023
Adoption organizations that have mediated for Indonesian children (before 1983) 6 February 2023
Fiom : Adoption and DNA testing: an ongoing journey 1 February 2023
FIOM: Vacancy Case manager international searches (ISS)(24 hours) 5 January 2023
Fiom : Sister found, now my parents 30 December 2022
Fiom : Vacancy Case manager international searches (ISS)(24 hours) 29 December 2022
Fiom: Vacancy Professional helper Aftercare 16-28 hours 11 December 2022
Fiom : Adoption 4 December 2022
Explanatory note to the House of Representatives on intercountry adoption and meetings of the expertise center 4 December 2022
Fiom : To search 4 December 2022
Adoption legally possible 4 November 2022
FIOm/ Sandra 31 October 2022
Unrest among adoption organizations after Colombia mismatches 14 October 2022
Unrest among adoption organizations after mismatches in Colombia 13 October 2022
Fiom : Frequently asked questions searches Colombia 10 October 2022
Raising the child in another family: foster care or adoption 18 September 2022
Laura gave up her baby: 'We wanted as much safety and stability as possible for her' 13 September 2022
Vacancy Senior Program Supporter KID-DNA Database (4pm-8pm) 23 July 2022
Vacancy Professional aid workers with didactic experience (24 hours) 21 July 2022
Dilani Butink equated in Sri Lanka adoption case 14 July 2022
Interview: ''Knowing who your biological parents are is a primal desire'' 4 June 2022
Amendment to Artificial Insemination Donor Data Act 3 June 2022
Looking for the roots after intercountry adoption 1 June 2022
History Fiom 2 May 2022
AD/ACT to Plankiskeya - planning overleg werkgroep beleid invloed 20 April 2022
Learn more about your pedigree 8 April 2022
Vacancy Senior Communication Advisor 13 February 2022
Frequently asked questions and answers about the steps of destruction data and stop investigation of domestic distance and adopt 1 February 2022
Vacancy Researcher - FIOM 25 December 2021
Vacancy Secretary (HR) - FIOM 25 December 2021
Vacancy Senior Specialist Policy - Unwanted Pregnancy Program - FIOM 25 December 2021
Vacancy Researcher - Archive research - FIOM 25 December 2021
Vacancy Senior Specialist Assistance - FIOM 25 December 2021
Vacancy Senior Specialist(s) Policy - Program Kinship Questions - FIOM 25 December 2021
Vacancy Specialist Case Management ISS - FIOM 25 December 2021
LETTER FROM THE MINISTER FOR LEGAL PROTECTION To the President of the House of Representatives of the States Gener - Netherlands 10 December 2021
Sperm donors with hundreds of children 'just want to help' 8 December 2021
Patrick was adopted illegally: 'You lack ownership of your identity' 30 October 2021
State invokes limitation period in remote mothers lawsuit 24 September 2021
Search for information about Mother Home De Hoeksteen, where unmarried mothers and their babies were cared for and separated fro 7 September 2021
Late pregnancy discovery: it really does happen 21 July 2021
Ethical dilemmas in parliamentary debate on adoption 11 June 2021
Private environment for women considering renunciation for adoption 25 May 2021
Vacancy senior communication advisor 7 May 2021
Ernst and Tonny had to give up their baby and thought they would never see him again: 'As if you were amputated' 3 May 2021
Never told: 'I kept silent about being adopted' 30 April 2021
Staff members (FIOM) 17 April 2021
Suddenly I heard my own letter on television 28 March 2021
State of affairs research on domestic distance and adoption between 1956 and 1984 11 January 2021
Vacancy Communication Advisor Online 28 May 2020
Fwd: linkedin chat with Fiom / ISS / Sandra de Vries 1 May 2020
CBS survey commissioned by the Joustra Committee 21 April 2020
E-mail Truus - Fwd: Nieuws van Fiom 9 January 2020
Archief Nederlandse Federatie van Instellingen voor de Ongehuwde Moeder en haar kind (FIOM) (1928) 1930-1999 1 January 2020
Fwd: sent you files via WeTransfer 24 December 2019
Fwd: Reminder: File National Archive 20 December 2019
E-mail to Dekker Fwd: Searches FIOM / ISS 9 December 2019
Fiom informeert Minister Dekker over het belang van voorlichting en begeleiding voor én na adoptie 3 December 2019
E-Mail to Truus Fwd: File National Archive 2 December 2019
Vacatures en stages 20 October 2019
Inzage Nederlandse afstandsdossiers met terugwerkende kracht gratis voor geadopteerden 2 October 2019
Holanda investiga 10.000 casos de adopciones forzadas 10 September 2019
E-mail Truus de Groot 22 May 2019
Phone Call Fiom Truus de Groot 22 May 2019
E-Mail Truus de Groot: Telephone Call 22 May 2019
De opkomst van kinderadoptie 17 May 2019
Invitation FIOM Meeting, May 2019 15 May 2019
Vacature specialist beleid verwantschapsvragen 9 March 2019
Stand van zaken rechtszaken aangespannen door donorkinderen 6 February 2019
WOB Fiom subsidieverlening 2018 16 October 2018
Fiom hands over assistance to local professionals 17 May 2017
Overleg met Fiom 11 April 2017
Statements of support regarding the subsidy discount for Fiom 18 September 2012
A Family for Every Child: International Adoption of American Children in the Netherlands 1 January 2010
Stichting verliest geding van FIOM 19 October 1994
Adult adopted children are not necessarily entitled to all information from the files about their natural parents. 21 September 1994
Fiom - Rechtzaak tegen Fiom doorgezet 5 August 1994
Speurtocht naar 'echte' ouders is vaak moeizaam 7 August 1992
FIOM Fusie (Ambulante and local offices) 29 June 1991
Inzagerecht (geen anonieme donoren) 4 April 1990
Ambulante FIOM breidt haar werkzaamheden uit 25 November 1989
FIOM start weer met adoptiegroepen 21 August 1987
FIOM moet blijven 26 November 1982
BIA / ISS Adoptie van buitenlandse kinderen (JUSTITIELE verkenningen) 1 January 1979
ADvies aan Minister: Te vondeling leggen onbestraft laten (adoptie) 7 March 1978
Werkgroep voor adoptie uit buitenland 3 May 1976
Grote toename aspirantouders; adoptiekinderen moeilijker 25 April 1973
Scherpe kritiek op regeringsnota kinderbescherming (adoptie moet door private actoren) May 1972
negenduizend adopties na vijftien jaar 16 November 1971
PhD Jos Nota: De Adoptie 6 December 1969
KInderbescherming waarschuwt: Handel in Nederlandse babies naar Amerika neemt toe 10 November 1959
Eerste ervaringen met nieuwe adoptiewet 20 November 1957
Kinderen voor adoptie over hun afkomst voorlichten 19 November 1957
Adoptievraagstuk nog steeds in het geding; zekerheid voor pleegouders ook zonder adoptie mogelijk 9 November 1954
Adoptiewet moet er komen, zelfs al zijn er bezwaren (Professor Van Bemmelen, Leiden) 15 July 1954
Wetsontwerp bij Tweede Kamer; kinderadoptie wordt ook in Nederland mogelijk 12 July 1954
Waarderende meningen over adoptierapport. Ook bezwaren tegen wettelijke regeling 23 December 1952
FIOM stelt voor adoptie mogelijk te maken 23 November 1952
Cost of a search
History Fiom