Private environment for women considering renunciation for adoption
25 May 2021

Fiom has been assisting women who have unwanted pregnancy for a long time and are considering choosing distance for adoption. During this guidance, women regularly ask about the experiences of other women in this situation. They have a specific need for recent experiences of peers. That is why we will have a closed online environment for experience stories from May 1, 2021.

Unwanted pregnant women who are considering distance for adoption regularly encounter misunderstanding and disbelief. For example, they are told: 'Did you really not realize you were pregnant?' or 'you're not giving up your child, are you?'. These comments can hurt and can influence a woman's choice.

That is why we have consciously opted for a closed online environment. The women only share their experience story with women who go through the same thing and who understand each other.

For the online environment, we asked women who recently considered choosing distance for adoption if we could interview them. These interviews have been elaborated into extensive stories, which can be read in the online environment. In the area you can read stories of women who chose distance for adoption, but also of women who considered renunciation for adoption but ultimately chose foster placement or raising their child themselves.

The women indicated that telling their story again led to further processing of the choice made. They also gave tips for women who have to make the choice now.

“Reading other experiences was nice. It has made me less lonely, it comforts me that I am not the only one this has happened to. Because, no matter how sweet my environment was, no one really understands what you've been through. And some people don't always know how to react and then say something that really hurts me."
