FIOm/ Sandra

31 October 2022

Sandra DeVries

Sandra De Vries

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Manager Programs Kinship Questions and Adoption Services

3 Tage • Bearbeitet •

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Adoptions from Europe should never be a given again. Stop adoptions from Hungary and Bulgaria. It concerns Roma children. They are children, who are offered for intercountry adoption without the consent of their parents. This goes against all conventions for the rights of the child. #sixtiescoop

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Brandpunt Reporter The Bulgarian adoption industry on the Netherlands 2

Brandpunt Reporter The Bulgarian adoption industry on the Netherlands 2




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Johan Hol

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Business/Data Analyst, Regulatory Reporting, ESG, SDG, FTK, Solvency II, Data Quality,, VBA, SQL, Open Data

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A country analysis was recently carried out by the ministry. That paints a different and much more nuanced picture. It may have escaped your attention, but it is certainly known within your organization.

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17 Answers

17 Answers

Johan Hol

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Business/Data Analyst, Regulatory Reporting, ESG, SDG, FTK, Solvency II, Data Quality,, VBA, SQL, Open Data

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Stephanie Dong-Hee Kim

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Senior coordinating advisor for tendering for non-residential construction at the Central Government Real Estate Agency

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Experiences and insights from countries from which adoptions have been made since the 1960s show that the paper reality and the ability to tick theoretical boxes in adoption files with regard to the principle of subsidiarity, the UN Children's Rights, the Hague Adoption Convention and UN human rights, do not provide a realistic picture. and provides insight into the practice of what can happen in the sending countries. A paper file or audit can never provide a conclusive answer that none of the essential human or children's rights have been violated. The Joustra Committee was also crystal clear about this in its report.

For those few children per year who are still imported to the Netherlands, it seems to me that it is no longer worth the effort to keep resuscitating the entire system of intercountry adoption.

But unfortunately the Dutch pro-adoption lobby is still blinded by its colonial white savior complex and wants to continue at all costs with this legalized child trafficking.

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Stephanie Dong-Hee Kim

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Senior coordinating advisor for tendering for non-residential construction at the Central Government Real Estate Agency

2 Tage

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John Hol Furthermore, the report you quote states that:

1) Roma families do not have a good position in Bulgarian society and are a vulnerable group;

2) vulnerable groups have insufficient access or are able to find basic facilities and help to prevent children from being placed in care;

3) biological parents sometimes have insufficient access to help and complaints procedures

4) biological parents automatically lose all their parental rights if they do not contact their child for six months

5) biological parents are not informed if the adoption transaction has taken place

6) biological parents lose their visitation rights for 2 years as soon as their child has checked all the boxes and has received the predicate 'adoptable' (ready for sale).

If people are so concerned about the fate of Roma children, support initiatives in Hungary to ensure that this group gets a better perspective.

In the Netherlands, the whole country hangs in the highest tree when it comes to children of benefits victims who have been removed from their homes and we talk about state kidnappings, but as soon as it comes to the import of pathetic foreign children, we consider ourselves benefactors. Stop it.

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Stephanie Dong-Hee Kim

Profil von Stephanie Dong-Hee Kim anzeigen

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Senior coordinating advisor for tendering for non-residential construction at the Central Government Real Estate Agency

2 Tage

John Hol how do you conclude from the report that 'the ministry does not turn a blind eye to it'?

By simply continuing with intercountry adoption, she does that in my opinion.

Nice, all those reports, but minister Franc Weatherwind basically wipes his butt with it just by keeping the whole thing going. In fact, he considers 'possible' abuses an acceptable risk. How is this consistent with the principle of subsidiarity and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child?

The report is 7 years old, but the content is still current and accurate.

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