Fwd: linkedin chat with Fiom / ISS / Sandra de Vries

1 May 2020


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From: Arun Dohle

Date: Fri 1. May 2020 at 12:06

Subject: linkedin chat with Fiom / ISS / Sandra de Vries

To: Arun Dohle


Sandra De Vries sent the following message at 8:10 PM

View Sandra’s profileSandra De Vries

Sandra De Vries 8:10 PM

Dear Arun, Truus left Fiom today. Above all, let me make one thing very clear: I am also very much against child trafficking. I think you are a difficult cooperation partner in this, because you quickly become very hostile. I have been working for Fiom for a year now which has a partnership with ISS. You sent me a link with the work of Roelie Post. You don't have to convince me that she really was a hero in the point that she stood for. From my previous work I have had a lot of dealings with children / young adults who mainly ended up in human trafficking, prostitution and pedophile networks from Romania. I think that adoption is only possible when it concerns the last chance for a child. I also see that adoption still has a revenue model in this world. I find that objectionable. At the same time, I see the same abuses again arise around surrogacy, where women were first abused in India, later in Peru and now in Ukraine and Georgia. I think we stand for the same thing, but we each have our own way of changing this.

· Arun Dohle sent the following messages at 8:31 PM

View Arun’s profileArun Dohle

Arun Dohle 8:31 PM

Dear Sandra, sad to hear that Truus left Fiom / ISS. I don’t understand why you think i become quickly “ hostile “ . I think i have a lot of patience and i m dealing with ISS since 2001 at least. I think also that you may want to read Art. 21 b UNCRC again and the advice of the RSJ. ISS has a policy issue. The Hague Adoption Convention differs significantly from the UNCRC. ISS / Fiom promotes adoption as child protection measure and doesn’t see foster care or residential care anymore as suitable manner of care. How can you say Fiom has a partnership with ISS ? Fiom and ISS merged. I hope you read our blogposts and learn something about the organisation you are working for. I completely understand that you, after just 1 year cannot know the details. Truus promised me to send the rest of the archive. Kindly email this to us. Best regards Arun

· View Arun’s profileArun Dohle

Arun Dohle 8:33 PM


Category: Blogpost


By Roelie Post (guest blogger) When in 2011/2012 the filming of Stolen Children – Intercountry Adopt…

· Sandra De Vries sent the following message at 9:03 PM

View Sandra’s profileSandra De Vries

Sandra De Vries 9:03 PM

Arun, come on! We do not disagree much. I don't want to hide anything I would like to send you the documents that can be made public. I cannot send you the names of the adopted persons. These fall under the privacy law. I'm going to arrange it tomorrow. Greeting, Sandra

· Arun Dohle sent the following message at 9:10 PM

View Arun’s profileArun Dohle

Arun Dohle 9:10 PM

Thanks for sending the docs. :) . We may personally agree on many things. Maybe. But ACT clearly disagrees with the policy ISS ( Hague Adoption Convention) has been promoting since decades. On searches i d like to ask you, how many search cases Shankar S solved and why you believe it was right of ISS to kick us out of Roopalis case. We solved the search in the first place. Not ISS, not the ISS counselor Sandi Petersen, not Shankar. Do you know this episode? or the episode about the adoptee kushal whose case ISS took essentially over from us and then the adoptee committed suicide? Anyway have a good night and maybe it’s easier to videochat

· Sandra De Vries sent the following messages at 9:21 PM

View Sandra’s profileSandra De Vries

Sandra De Vries 9:21 PM

Let's chat. I can understand German and English, can you understand Dutch?

· View Sandra’s profileSandra De Vries

Sandra De Vries 9:24 PM

Have a nice evening!

· Arun Dohle sent the following message at 9:24 PM

View Arun’s profileArun Dohle

Arun Dohle 9:24 PM

I prefer english. That’s my working language. I don’t find the words in german and i don’t know dutch. I learned to understand a bit, but frankly not much. I m off to sleep now. It’s 1am here. Let’s start with the number of cases your corespondents in India have solved . Catch up tomorrow

· Sandra De Vries sent the following message at 9:32 PM

View Sandra’s profileSandra De Vries

Sandra De Vries 9:32 PM

Still the unfriendly approach. ;-) We'll send you the files of ISS, When you after that wish to become a equal partner, I welcome you.

· Arun Dohle sent the following message at 10:00 PM

View Arun’s profileArun Dohle

Arun Dohle 10:00 PM

It’s not an “ unfriendly “ approach. Not at all. I categorically reject that. It’s a factual approach. You didn’t fight as hard here in India in the field as i did. We aren’t equal either. I m a survivor of these wrongful practices and i run an organisation completely funded by survivors and myself who works without a salary since 18 years. In contrast you are very well funded. There isn’t any equality

· Sandra De Vries sent the following message at 10:24 PM

View Sandra’s profileSandra De Vries

Sandra De Vries 10:24 PM

Ok, We won't ever become partners. That's a shame. Wish you all the luck an succes.The archive of ISS is coming soon.

· Arun Dohle sent the following messages at 10:44 PM

View Arun’s profileArun Dohle

Arun Dohle 10:44 PM

I wrote to you pretty clearly in my email how we could become partners. 1) ISS has to advocate for the UNCRC 2) ISS has to deal with it s past . 3) if you want to partner on searches, then there has to be equality. Meaning i have to be allowed to calculate like you. You are totally refusing to even share the number of cases Shankar S solved.

· Click or press enter to display a3cd3099d85bbad24ad9cfc861b35412 in the image previewa3cd3099d85bbad24ad9cfc861b35412

· View Arun’s profileArun Dohle

Arun Dohle 10:46 PM

I thought i had the supposedly “ High Costs” last year cleared with Truus.

· Sandra De Vries sent the following message at 10:46 PM

View Sandra’s profileSandra De Vries

Sandra De Vries 10:46 PM

And let me be honest, I always find your reactions peppered with prejudices. I have been working for minority groups in this world for years. I myself am a Sinti, a minority from the caravan world, who grew up in poverty and a world in which I did not want to grow old. That is why I admire Roelie. She once stood before a very vulnerable group in Romania. I have the same admiration for you, but somewhere you want to hold on to your own images. I appreciate you, criticize too. Let's talk to each other

· Arun Dohle sent the following messages at 10:46 PM

View Arun’s profileArun Dohle

Arun Dohle 10:46 PM

What prejudices?

· I have a long history with ISS

· Sandra De Vries sent the following message at 10:56 PM

View Sandra’s profileSandra De Vries

Sandra De Vries 10:56 PM

Start reading: I have the same admiration for you. I have great appreciation for the struggle you are fighting. I'm not your enemy. Let's call it a day. We'll meet again soon.

· Arun Dohle sent the following messages at 11:00 PM

View Arun’s profileArun Dohle

Arun Dohle 11:00 PM

but apart from admiration, can we talk facts? I mean really, it’s important to know the facts. We spend 200 - 400 per case. We solved 48 cases. Only since 2017 we apply the adoptee solidarity fund system. You say you aren’t my enemy. But based on your quickscan the ministry decides on funding. So if you say ARC s costs are too high , then we are done. Finished and killed economically. Let’s catch up soon

· 200 - 400 hours

· you rely on Shankar

· View Arun’s profileArun Dohle

Arun Dohle 11:03 PM

I solved the case of Shankar s friends

· https://youtu.be/-pfFG91aGX8

Exposing India's Illegal Baby Trade

Exposing India's Illegal Baby Trade


· The case of Julia Rollings

· I cracked

· not him not his wife Vidya

· Sandra De Vries sent the following message at 11:04 PM

View Sandra’s profileSandra De Vries

Sandra De Vries 11:04 PM

Let's talk soon. Bed time. Sleep well and hope you are doing well.

· Arun Dohle sent the following messages at 11:05 PM

View Arun’s profileArun Dohle

Arun Dohle 11:05 PM

no i m not doing well

· full curfew here

· expenses mounting

· View Arun’s profileArun Dohle

Arun Dohle 11:07 PM

This here was filmed in Shankars garden

· https://youtu.be/1pof_S0oFg0

Netwerk III Julia Rollings

Netwerk III Julia Rollings


· but anyway good night :)

· Sandra De Vries sent the following message at 11:09 PM

View Sandra’s profileSandra De Vries

Sandra De Vries 11:09 PM

Arun, I was jus prepared to watch.

· Arun Dohle sent the following messages at 11:10 PM

View Arun’s profileArun Dohle

Arun Dohle 11:10 PM

great :)

· Do watch and read

· View Arun’s profileArun Dohle

Arun Dohle 11:11 PM

and if you watch, keep in mind, though you don’t see me, this wouldn’t have happened without me. Both, the australian and the dutch documentary

Seen by Sandra De Vries at 1588282663849.


View Arun’s profileArun Dohle

Arun Dohle 6:15 AM

I hope that you understand really the background of Julia Rollings case. I met her years back on Ichild - a yahoogroup- . I met also their friends online. Vidya Shankar, the wife of Shankar S. Julia relied first on them and their guidance for the search. But they didn’t manage to get name and adress of the mother. So when I was in Chennai in 2006( fully on my expenses) , i actually asked Julia whether she is still interested in the search. She said yes and i along with my local contacts gathered the name and adress of the mother. Wasn’t easy. Then, as Vidya was Julia s friend, i thought it makes sense to search the adress together with her trusted friend. Then we went together. As the mother had moved, i was already back in germany when Vidya met the mother. But i was the one who cracked the case, who got the identifyiny information out. Not Vidya or Shankar. A few years later when we had solved Roopali s case, Sandi Peterson asked Julia for ( another) contact then me. So Julia gave the name of Vidya and then Shankar took it up. Let me be clear on this too. I paid from my pocket the search of Roopali. ! “ You” ; ISS along with ICAV kicked us out of the case. Then due to lobbying from ICAV ; ISS got the federal government funding for searches. Naturally i could not compete, - without funding- with a “ free “ search service. ISS Australia solved according to a Freedom of information request only 1 case. I don’t know whether this was even done by Shankar S. When i spoke to him, it was pretty clear, he had never solved a case and of course faces the same challenges as we do. He however stops at the brick wall of secrecy, where we actually continue. It is of utmost importance that we or you get sufficient funding, so that we can pull through searches , which sometimes take years and yes are usually more difficult than searches in other countries. You greatly disrespect our work in the field by saying our costs are too high. ( despite your assurances you appreciate what we do). As you advice the ministry of justice on the funding, and that based on your relationship with Shankar S, i do think it’s only fair to ask how many cases he has solved in the past. If he truely can solve the cases so much easier than our social worker and lawyer, than why don’t we just merge ? I can give you all our cases if you desire..

· View Arun’s profileArun Dohle

Arun Dohle 6:16 AM

So tell me please

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