18 May 2019

What is Guidance and socio - legal advice to the family?

It is a service that seeks to orient, advise and carry out the pertinent procedures required by the Family that presents problems in aspects related to Family and Minors Law, to prevent through conciliation the initiation of judicial processes, in order to solve an existing conflict or prevent one eventual.

What is sought with Sociolegal Counseling and Counseling?

Advice and social and legal guidance.

Legal Consultation (Family and Minors Law).

Conciliation Hearings.

Processing of Civil Registry.

Processing of permits to leave the country.

Criminal complaints.

Citation of the alleged father to seek voluntary recognition.

Authorization for the sale of real estate for minors in the cases indicated by Law 9 of 1989 Chapter III Article 16 Literal First, provided that the rights of the child are not violated.

Disclosure of family and juvenile law norms.

Inter-institutional coordination for the creation of the Family Services Network.

How to access the service?

Individuals or families that require the intervention of the ICBF technical team to define this type of situation should contact the ICBF office closest to their place of residence and be willing to reconcile and reach more appropriate agreements. Who provides the service? This service is provided directly by the team of professionals from the different areas of the ICBF and especially with the decision of the Family Ombudsman, as a lawyer specializing in Family Law.


What is the permission to leave the country to minors?

It is the authorization that is processed so that a child can leave the country when their parents or guardians have requested it, so that their rights are guaranteed. Requirements to access the service:

The person interested in obtaining permission to leave the country of children, will submit a written request to the ICBF Family Ombudsman closest to the child's usual place of residence, clearly and precisely stating the facts and circumstances that motivate the request. of permanence of the child or girl abroad and the complete data of at least two people who can testify about the veracity of the facts.

Birth registration of the boy or girl.

Registration of marriage of the parents or of death, according to the case.

The other tests that are intended to be enforced.

If your son or daughter is going to leave the country, both parents are required to agree to this decision before a notary public. If the parents do not agree or there is no agreement between them and those who have custody and personal care of the child, the family judge, family promiscuous or municipal judges, grant permission to leave the country.

When this is not possible because the child lacks a legal representative, the whereabouts of these are unknown, those who are in a position to grant it or those suffering from a mental illness or serious psychic anomaly certified by the Legal Medicine Department or by the mental health unit of the health secretaries of the respective territorial entity, at the request of the Family Ombudsman; The ICBF, through its Family Ombudsman of the ZONAL CENTER of the place of residence of the child, will grant permission to leave the country.

Who provides the service?

The service is provided by the technical team of CENTRO ZONAL ICBF and especially by the Family Advocate.

Application for permission for a child or young person to leave the country when they lack a legal representative; his whereabouts are unknown; is not able to grant it or is in the situation enshrined in Article 94 of the Code of the minor.

What is the procedure?

· The legal representative of the minor or the person to whom he / she reports, presents the written request to the respective official expressing with clarity and precision the facts and circumstances that motivate it, the time of the child's stay abroad and the persons who can testify about the veracity of the facts object of the petition · The Family Defender will immediately order the summons to the parents or guardians, the practice of a socio-family investigation and the other relevant evidence. The legal representative will be cited by means of a notice that will be published only once in a widely circulated newspaper. · If, during the processing of the proceedings, an opposition to the permit is presented by one of the legal representatives of the minor, the action will be suspended and the proceedings will be passed on to the Family Judges or Municipal Judges who will be competent to grant them.

Requirements and documents necessary for the procedure

· Written petition motivating the request for the child's stay abroad · First names, identity document and address of at least two people who can testify about the veracity of the facts. · Civil registry of birth of the boy or girl · Civil registry of marriage of the parents · Civil registry of death (according to the case) · The other tests that are tried to make be worth.

Place to which the citizen should go

Zonal Center closest to the place of residence of the child for whom the permit is requested.

Main rules that regulate the procedure

Decree 2737 of 1989 · Decree 2272 of 1989 · Article 182 of the Penal Code

Other information about the procedure

Competent agency

Zonal Center closest to the place of residence of the child for whom the permit is requested Charge of the competent public servant

Position of the competent public servant

Family Advocate

Approximate time for resolution of the procedure

From 1 to 3 months

Number of procedures per year

2,287 applications for permits to leave the country were received


What is it?

It is a service that provides assistance to children and families who are in adverse situations and require specialized support, in order to achieve the recognition of their rights (Demand for Food, Custody and Personal Care, regulation of visits, recognition and impeachment of paternity, loss or suspension of parental authority, etc.) before the judges and corresponding authorities.

How is Accessed?

· The interested party appears before the closest ZONAL CENTER of the ICBF and submits his / her request to the Family Ombudsman, who gives the corresponding opening to the individual story and proceeds to carry out the corresponding actions as preparation and timely processing of the corresponding demands .

· Attend all the proceedings of the competition processes of family judges and family promiscuous. · Guide and advise users

· Disseminate the norms on family and childhood law,

· Coordinate with national and foreign public and private entities,

· Provide procedural and substantial advice for the application of the Hague Convention and

· Provide advice and training to the agents of the National Family Welfare System.

Who Lends the Service?

The service is provided directly by the Family Ombudsman in association with the Social Worker, the Psychologist, the Nutritionist and the Pedagogues of the ZONAL CENTER. ADOPTIONS


Article 88 of the Juvenile Code defines: "Adoption is, principally and par excellence, a measure of protection through which, under the supreme vigilance of the State, the paternal-filial relationship between persons who are irrevocably established is established. it does not have it by nature. " The primary objective in Adoption is to guarantee that the child, the girl or the young person, can grow and develop within a family, in response to the prevailing constitutional right of the child, to have a family.

How to access the service?

When a family wishes to have a child through adoption and resides in Colombia, it can be directed to the ICBF Regionals or the authorized Adoption Houses and request information and guidance on the documents they must provide and the psycho-social requirements necessary to guarantee the restitution of the right of the child, the girl and the young person to belong to a family.

When the family is Colombian or foreigner but lives outside of Colombia, they can contact the adoption service of the country where they live and request information to adopt a Colombian boy or girl and receive guidance on the requirements and how to get the complete application. to the National Headquarters of the ICBF in Colombia; or, failing that, to send a letter to the National Headquarters of the ICBF stating their motivation to adopt a Colombian boy or girl, the expectations of the son or daughter they wish to adopt and the important information about the family.

How much does Adopt cost in Colombia?

The adoption in Colombia is free, however, for the process it is required to provide a series of documents that represent some cost for the applicants and, once the child has been assigned, it must be initiated before the Family Court or the Family Promise Court. the judicial process of adoption, which requires a lawyer, chosen directly by the family, which also generates costs.

Who provides the service?

This program can only be developed in Colombia by:

The ICBF through its 28 Regional Directorates and 5 Sectional Agency Directions

The 8 houses of adoption authorized by the ICBF: Ayúdame, Casa de la Madre y el Niño, CRAN, FANA and Pisingos in Bogotá; House of María y el Niño and Casita de Nicolás in Medellín, Chiquitines in Cali.

What is the adoption process looking for?

Guarantee to children and young people, reported to the adoption program, the fundamental right to grow up as a family, establishing a parental - filial relationship under the supreme surveillance of the State and irrevocably.

Find a family to a child that requires it and not a child to a family, for which activities are carried out to prepare and analyze specific needs.

What children under 18 can be adopted?

According to our legislation, only those under 18 years of age can be adopted for adoption:

Be declared in a situation of abandonment by the Family Defenders.

The adoption has been consented by his parents before the Family Ombudsman.

Lacking legal representatives and not in a situation of abandonment, as is the case of a child who is in the care of someone familiar or not, who is not their father or mother because they are deceased, or declared with serious mental problems .

The child of one of the spouses can be adopted by the other when a person who has a child then marries someone who is not the father or mother of the child.

Who can adopt?

Jointly · Spouses (spouses)

· The couple formed by men and women who demonstrate an uninterrupted cohabitation of at least three (3) years. This term will be counted from the legal separation of bodies, if with respect to those who form the couple or one of them, a previous marriage bond is in force (Art. 90 Minor's Code). Individually

· Single people, widows or separated.

· The married adopter, not separated from bodies, can only adopt with the consent of his spouse.

What are the qualities required of those who wish to adopt in Colombia?

According to the provisions of article 89 of the Juvenile Code, the following are the qualities required of those who wish to adopt jointly or individually:

Be fully capable

That he has turned 25 years of age.

Be at least 15 years older than the adopter.

Guarantee sufficient physical, mental, moral and social suitability to offer a suitable and stable home to a child or young person.

What is the procedure before the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare?

Those interested in requesting a child for adoption when filling out their "Application for Adoption" form, must take into account in relation to the desired minor and the technical criteria established by the Colombian Family Welfare Institute for the selection and assignment of the minors who are candidates for adoption. the adoption In consideration of the best interests of minors

Who gives priority to adoption requests?

To Colombian adopters compared to foreigners.

To couples who lack children.

Those who have a biological or adoptive child, want a second child.

To those who apply for adoption groups of brothers.

To those who apply for adoption children over 7 years old.

To those who apply for adoption a child with physical or mental difficulties.

The age of the applicants is a fundamental factor.


What is it?

It is a service that provides assistance to children and families who are in adverse situations and require specialized support, in order to achieve the recognition of their rights (Demand for Food, Custody and Personal Care, regulation of visits, recognition and impeachment of paternity, loss or suspension of parental authority, etc.) before the judges and corresponding authorities.

How is Accessed?

· The interested party appears before the closest ZONAL CENTER of the ICBF and submits his / her request to the Family Ombudsman, who gives the corresponding opening to the individual story and proceeds to carry out the corresponding actions as preparation and timely processing of the corresponding demands .

· Attend all the proceedings of the competition processes of family judges and family promiscuous. · Guide and advise users

· Disseminate the norms on family and childhood law,

· Coordinate with national and foreign public and private entities,

· Provide procedural and substantial advice for the application of the Hague Convention and

· Provide advice and training to the agents of the National Family Welfare System.

Who Lends the Service?

The service is provided directly by the Family Ombudsman in association with the Social Worker, the Psychologist, the Nutritionist and the Pedagogues of the ZONAL CENTER. ADOPTIONS


Article 88 of the Juvenile Code defines: "Adoption is, principally and par excellence, a measure of protection through which, under the supreme vigilance of the State, the paternal-filial relationship between persons who are irrevocably established is established. it does not have it by nature. " The primary objective in Adoption is to guarantee that the child, the girl or the young person, can grow and develop within a family, in response to the prevailing constitutional right of the child, to have a family.

How to access the service?

When a family wishes to have a child through adoption and resides in Colombia, it can be directed to the ICBF Regionals or the authorized Adoption Houses and request information and guidance on the documents they must provide and the psycho-social requirements necessary to guarantee the restitution of the right of the child, the girl and the young person to belong to a family.

When the family is Colombian or foreigner but lives outside of Colombia, they can contact the adoption service of the country where they live and request information to adopt a Colombian boy or girl and receive guidance on the requirements and how to get the complete application. to the National Headquarters of the ICBF in Colombia; or, failing that, to send a letter to the National Headquarters of the ICBF stating their motivation to adopt a Colombian boy or girl, the expectations of the son or daughter they wish to adopt and the important information about the family.

How much does Adopt cost in Colombia?

The adoption in Colombia is free, however, for the process it is required to provide a series of documents that represent some cost for the applicants and, once the child has been assigned, it must be initiated before the Family Court or the Family Promise Court. the judicial process of adoption, which requires a lawyer, chosen directly by the family, which also generates costs.

Who provides the service?

This program can only be developed in Colombia by:

The ICBF through its 28 Regional Directorates and 5 Sectional Agency Directions

The 8 houses of adoption authorized by the ICBF: Ayúdame, Casa de la Madre y el Niño, CRAN, FANA and Pisingos in Bogotá; House of María y el Niño and Casita de Nicolás in Medellín, Chiquitines in Cali.

What is the adoption process looking for?

Guarantee to children and young people, reported to the adoption program, the fundamental right to grow up as a family, establishing a parental - filial relationship under the supreme surveillance of the State and irrevocably.

Find a family to a child that requires it and not a child to a family, for which activities are carried out to prepare and analyze specific needs.

What children under 18 can be adopted?

According to our legislation, only those under 18 years of age can be adopted for adoption:

Be declared in a situation of abandonment by the Family Defenders.

The adoption has been consented by his parents before the Family Ombudsman.

Lacking legal representatives and not in a situation of abandonment, as is the case of a child who is in the care of someone familiar or not, who is not their father or mother because they are deceased, or declared with serious mental problems .

The child of one of the spouses can be adopted by the other when a person who has a child then marries someone who is not the father or mother of the child.

Who can adopt?

Jointly · Spouses (spouses)

· The couple formed by men and women who demonstrate an uninterrupted cohabitation of at least three (3) years. This term will be counted from the legal separation of bodies, if with respect to those who form the couple or one of them, a previous marriage bond is in force (Art. 90 Minor's Code). Individually

· Single people, widows or separated.

· The married adopter, not separated from bodies, can only adopt with the consent of his spouse.

What are the qualities required of those who wish to adopt in Colombia?

According to the provisions of article 89 of the Juvenile Code, the following are the qualities required of those who wish to adopt jointly or individually:

Be fully capable

That he has turned 25 years of age.

Be at least 15 years older than the adopter.

Guarantee sufficient physical, mental, moral and social suitability to offer a suitable and stable home to a child or young person.

What is the procedure before the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare?

Those interested in requesting a child for adoption when filling out their "Application for Adoption" form, must take into account in relation to the desired minor and the technical criteria established by the Colombian Family Welfare Institute for the selection and assignment of the minors who are candidates for adoption. the adoption In consideration of the best interests of minors

Who is given priority for adoption applications?

To Colombian adopters compared to foreigners.

To couples who lack children.

Those who have a biological or adoptive child, want a second child.

To those who apply for adoption groups of brothers.

To those who apply for adoption children over 7 years old.

To those who apply for adoption a child with physical or mental difficulties.

The age of the applicants is a fundamental factor.

Request for information about the adoption process of a boy or girl

What is the procedure?

Colombian citizens residing in Colombia and foreigners residing in Colombia can apply to the competent official in any of the 28 Regional, 5 Agencies and 109 Zonal Centers of the ICBF, and the 8 houses of adoption authorized by the ICBF: Help me, Casa de la Madre and El Niño, CRAN, FANA and Pisingos in Bogotá; Casa de María y el Niño and Casita de Nicolás in Medellín, Chiquitines in Cali, information on the adoption process of a Colombian boy or girl, the Family Ombudsman in the Zonal Center, the Adoption Coordinator in the Regional Office will be responsible for carrying out the process of collecting and evaluating the information required, so that the Adoption Committee of each Regional or Agency makes the selection of families and assignment of minors.

· Colombian citizens or foreigners living abroad can send a letter to the Colombian Family Welfare Institute, National Headquarters, Adoptions Group of the Specialized Interventions Branch, clearly stating their desire to adopt their personal information, or contacting the social service from the resident country where they will provide you with complete information about the procedure.

Requirements and documents necessary for the procedure

Civil registry of births of the adopters

Civil registry of marriage or suitable test of extramarital cohabitation of the adopters · Judgment of divorce in case one of the petitioners has had a previous marriage · Criminal record

Economic certifications

Certificates of physical and mental health

Personal recommendations

Place to which the citizen should go

Any of the 28 Regional, 5 Agencies and 109 Zonal Centers of the ICBF, and the 8 houses of adoption authorized by the ICBF: Help me, House of Mother and Child, CRAN, FANA and Pisingos in Bogotá; House of María y el Niño and Casita de Nicolás in Medellín, Chiquitines in Cali.

Main rules that regulate the process:

Decree 2737 of 1989

"The Hague Convention on International Adoptions" signed on May 29, 1993, ratified by the Government of Colombia and in force in the country as of November 1, 1998.

Resolution 1267 of 1994 partially modified by Resolution 1056 of June 3, 1996

Other information about the procedure

Competent agency

Regional, Agency, Zonal Center or Authorized Adoption House, for applicants residing in Colombia.

Subdirectorate of Specialized Interventions of the National Headquarters, for applicants residing abroad

Position of the competent public servant

Competent officials who are part of the responsible ICBF team.

The Family or Promiscuous Judge defines an adoption process.

Approximate time for resolution of the procedure

Information about the process is provided immediately.

The process of selecting a family and the assignment of a child depends on the promptness with which the documents legally required in the process are attached, it may vary between 1 and 3 months

Number of procedures per year

A total of 4,230 adoption applications were received during 1998

Position of the competent public servant

Defender of family and Psychosocial team of the dependency where the process is advanced.

Family Court or Promiscuous to whom it corresponds.
