Indications of Illegal Adoptions of Children from Ten Countries of Origin in Switzerland, 1970s to 1990s, Inventory of Documents in the Swiss Federal Archives

November 2023

Translated Unofficially from German. Unofficial translation of the Swiss Federal
Council report Hinweise auf illegale Adoptionen von Kindern aus zehn Herkunftsländern
in der Schweiz, 1970er- bis 1990er-Jahre Bestandesaufnahme zu Unterlagen im
Schweizerischen Bundesarchiv Bericht im Auftrag des Bundesamts für Justiz, available
here. See also, media release “International adoption law: Federal Council sees need for
action.” The full report contains information on ten different countries from which
intercountry adoptions were facilitated for Swiss adoptive parents from the 1970s to the
1990s. This translation was facilitated through artificial intelligence and is subject to
mistakes and inconsistencies. Do not rely on this translation as legal authority or for
official purposes. This English translation is courtesy of Adoptees United Inc., a US-based
national nonprofit organization dedicated to equality for all adult adopted people.
