Italian official claims link between homosexual adoption and human trafficking

21 September 2010

Italian official claims link between homosexual adoption and human trafficking

Rome, Italy, Sep 21, 2010 / 02:58 pm (CNA).- The Secretary of State for Family Policy in Italy, Carlo Giovanardi, stated in an interview this week that he believes there is a connection between adoption by same-sex couples and the increase in the human trafficking of minors.

In the interview with political analyst Klaus Davi, Giovanardi noted that “where the adoption by gay couples is allowed, such as in the U.S. and Brazil,” the countries have exploded with the “buying and selling of children.”

“It is something that at least this government will never accept and I want to denounce it from here.”

“To impose two parents of the same sex on a child is to subject that child to psychological violence,” Giovanardi continued. “A child has the right to grow up” in an environment where “a paternal and maternal figure complement each other and guarantee the child balanced development,” he added.