Project adoptees NL - Volunteers wanted! (Indonesia/My Roots)

8 June 2021

Although the ministry recently announced that more than 36 million euros will be

made available for a national expertise center, but there is still no money being

made available for individual searches and DNA research, there is still some

progress in the possibilities to give the mothers in Indonesia and adoptees in the


Money for projects

After a long wait, the Ministry of Justice and Security has processed our subsidy

application and approved it completely - without any comment or adjustment!

We are very happy with this good news!

This means that we can immediately start implementing various projects in


Would you like to help with the implementation of these projects in


Do you want to think about the further details? Would you like to connect with the

volunteers in Indonesia? Can you work well together and are you result-oriented?

Send us an email and indicate which project you prefer:

1. Professionalization of fieldwork in Indonesia

With this project we increase the professionalism and expertise of the volunteers

in Indonesia so that we can better support and help adoptees and their biological


We have received money to set up a five-day course in Indonesia where the

volunteers are taught by Dutch and Indonesian teachers.

The volunteers learn about the background of the adoptees, the privacy legislation,

the search options, but also how they can communicate clearly and clearly with

people in a vulnerable position and how to work and report in a planned way.

Mentors will be trained to assist adoptees when the mother or biological family is

found. They can help to prevent misunderstandings and have an eye for cultural

differences and possible dependency relationships.

A confidential counselor can be called in if something has unexpectedly gone

wrong and the adoptee and/or mother needs help with this.

The volunteers (field workers, mentors and confidants) from Indonesia can

participate in the course. At the end of the training they subscribe to rules of

conduct and receive a certificate.

2. Mapping the search options (further)

Information that is already known, combined with the advice of experts in

Indonesia, provides insight into the options available.

We are developing a step-by-step plan based on which every adoptee and family

Indonesia can gain insight into what is still possible and what has already been


3. Developing a database

Together with a programmer in Indonesia, we are developing a database with

which searching in documents can be done more systematically and connections

can be made more easily. Obviously, this database must comply with all European

and Indonesian legislation in this area.

4. Setting up a website in Indonesia and conducting a media


Through a new website and media campaign in Indonesia, we are calling on

mothers and their families to come forward and we are trying to break the taboo

that still rests on adoption.

5. Developing educational materials for mothers

With the help of Indonesian graphic designers, we are developing educational

material with the help of drawings and comic strips (to also reach the illiterate

mothers) on the basis of which the mothers can be informed about DNA testing.

The following applies to each project:

Volunteers in the Netherlands are only eligible for an expense allowance (based on

necessary costs incurred.)

As board members, we do not receive any compensation.

Are you in?

As you can read, carrying out these projects will take a lot of time and we are

urgently looking for serious helping hands.

So are you that serious candidate who has time to spare and would like to help us

with this completely voluntarily?

Send a motivation letter and CV before June 20, 2021 to