Beatrix staat stil bij dertig jaar kinderrechten - Vorsten (Beatrix reflects on thirty years of children's rights - Royals)

15 November 2019

Princess Beatrix attended part of the theme day of the expert group of youth judges on Friday afternoon in the Academy Building at the Peace Palace in The Hague.

Beatrix attended two lectures celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), a subject close to her heart. Five years ago she also attended the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the UN Treaty.

The princess also used her visit to talk to a number of juvenile judges and scientists about the challenges in their work and in putting the child first. Shortly before, Beatrix had heard in an argument from Leiden professor Ton Liefaard that making the rights agreed in 1989 more sustainable was not easy.

Lock out

In the Netherlands, he advocated a Ministry of Youth & Family, adapting children's rights to the 21st century and better involving children in decisions and measures. No child should be left out ('leave no one behind') and children should also have access to the courts.

Liefaard was critical of the enormous difference in the position of children and children's rights within the Kingdom between the Netherlands and the Caribbean islands. A situation that could not exist if the Convention on the Rights of the Child were complied with. “What does that mean for the Kingdom?” he wondered.