Dutch Dear Birth Parent Website

23 June 2009

Martijn, Maaike and Tim


Martijn, Maaike and Tim

The Netherlands, Europe

Dear Birth Parents,

We are Martijn (35), Maaike (32) and Tim (3) and we live in The Netherlands (a tiny country in Northwest Europe). We sincerely hope that we will be allowed to extend our family with a child that is in need of love, care, attention and a secure environment.

We understand that you probably are reading this website because you are going through a troublesome phase in your life. We are aware that you may be facing the most difficult decision of your life. It may also be the most important decision in the life of the child you are carrying. We hope that the site will create an idea of what we as a caring family can offer the child you are carrying, an idea that -- hopefully -- will comfort you. We want you to know that we will always respect your decision, whatever it may be. We wish you strength and wisdom in making this decision.

We are a family that attaches great importance to respect, love and concern for each other and for our family, relatives and friends. There is plenty of room in our family to accommodate another miracle child. We are a family that will always talk with sincerity and respect about the adoption and the birth family.

Once again, we thank you for considering us and wish you peace. Feel free to contact Michael Goldstein our adoption attorney in New York , toll free at 1-800-582-3678, for further assistance and any other information about us or the adoption process. Or mail toinfo@adoptgold.com.

Good luck and take care,

Martijn Maaike Tim