After Spoorloos riot, Derk Bolt is under fire again
29 April 2023

There was a lot of fuss about Spoorloos because the tracking program had linked many participants to the wrong family members. Thanks to Spoorloos, Mabel Nummerdor (49) did find her real French father, but she still gives presenter Derk Bolt (67) and his investigation team a big kick. Why?

Last year, crime journalist Kees van der Spek revealed in his RTL 5 program Kees van der Spek, scammers tackled that the KRO-NCRV program Spoorloos had gone wrong countless times – many participants who were looking for their 'lost' relatives had been to the wrong people linked. After the TV broadcast, more mistakes were made and a media storm ensued.


These so-called mismatches came about through the corrupt intermediary Edwin Vela, on whom presenter Derk Bolt and his editors blindly trusted. Just as the failed 'family reunions' of the tracking program have faded into the background, former participant Mabel Numberdor expresses her displeasure with the search for her biological father.


Mabel counted on a foreign adventure with presenter Derk Bolt, who would help her in her search for her French father Jacques. In her book Schitterend Absent, however, she claims to have been disappointed. 'Derk Bolt is nowhere to be seen,' says Mabel in her book, after being asked about her family history by an editor on camera. 'My desire is the ransom from Spoorloos and I'm kidnapped in a TV format. Stockholm syndrome is doing its job; I am charmed by the program makers and try my best to be liked.'
