Tackling the sexual exploitation of children threatens to be snowed in

24 May 2022

With the end of the pandemic finally in sight after more than two years, the world is ravaged by several other crises. Worldwide, 1 to 2 million children are still victims of sexual exploitation, a problem that seems to be covered. And that, while children have become even more vulnerable due to the corona crisis. The system she is supposed to protect has taken a huge blow, partly because schools were closed during lockdowns. The consequences are becoming increasingly visible. The Down to Zero alliance tackled child sexual exploitation in 12 countries in Latin America and Asia. During and especially in the aftermath of the pandemic.

Tackling the sexual exploitation of children, such as exploitation on the street, in a brothel or online in front of a webcam, is complex. The Down to Zero program focuses on youth engagement and the system to protect children.

“But the trusted network of children has disappeared,” says Monique Demenint of Terre des Hommes. “Further help is needed in the coming years to tackle sexual exploitation in a sustainable way.” Protecting children from sexual exploitation requires a broad approach: Down to Zero supports children, their parents and their community. Among other things, the alliance focuses on the involvement of young people themselves as youth advocates and unites its forces in the lobby towards regional, national and international governments and the business community.

Better knowledge about sexual exploitation

For example, care providers are trained in specific knowledge and skills. “These workshops are crucial for people who work with vulnerable children so that they can give them the best care,” Demenint continues. “Think, for example, of how to deal with the children's traumas, such as not constantly asking them to tell their story again. That can trigger their trauma.”

It is important that children themselves are also aware of their rights and that they can stand up for them, for themselves and for each other . That is why children receive information about recognizing signs of exploitation, children's rights and sexual health. For example, they learn which authorities to turn to if they are victims or at risk, so that they can receive psychosocial, medical and legal help.

Youth advocates at the helm

An essential part of the program are the young people who are trained to become youth advocates, such as 26-year-old Carlos from the Dominican Republic. “I want children to know their rights, to know that no one should touch or mistreat them inappropriately.”

Carlos takes a leadership role in his community and is an active member of the local network of volunteers dedicated to informing and protecting children and young people. He comes up with new ideas and uses the knowledge from the Down to Zero training courses. “I have learned so much. I can apply that in conversations with the authorities and pass it on to the young people who live here.”

The children around him run away with Carlos. Like a mentor, he has continuous conversations with them. “I tell the children all about their rights and the dangers of exploitation. Sometimes they can't talk about it at home because it's taboo – then they come to me.” Prevention is essential to stop the sexual exploitation of children. This starts with children, because they are an important link in the transmission of information. Carlos will now give training to children and young people at schools. “It is important that everyone learns more about this so that they can stand up for themselves.”

Down to Zero

The Down to Zero alliance is a collaboration between Terre des Hommes, Plan International, Defense for Children-ECPAT, Free a Girl and ICCO (part of Cordaid) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Down to Zero aims to protect children and young people from the risk of sexual exploitation in twelve countries in Asia (India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand) and in Latin America (Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Nicaragua, Brazil , Dominican Republic). The alliance empowers children and young people to stand up for their rights and helps communities protect their children from sexual exploitation. We also encourage better government policy and work together with the business community, such as the travel and tourism industry.
