Shiva (46) about Dharan (13): 'I had to fight for my food in an orphanage, so I can't complain'

What is it like to grow up and raise in Amsterdam? This time: Shiva (46) and Dharan Mulder (13). 'I was once 'given away'. When I had children, there was a very strong feeling: I would never do this with my children.'

Yuki HochgemuthOctober 18, 2023 , 3:00 am

Dharan: “I really learned how to make raps from my childhood. My father also used to write lyrics and often showed clips of them. He always made a rap for his company.”

“I thought that was really cool, I wanted that too, so we started making more and more clips together. That didn't happen online, it was just for ourselves. Other people often said we should put that on YouTube.”

Shiva: “My wife and I used to not want to put our children on social media. When we started making clips for his raps, it was just for ourselves. Dharan wanted it to be online. I've always said: you have to have something to say.”

“Dharan is very creative, and he really wanted to, so then you ask yourself: do you knock it down or do it together? When he also became European champion in pencak silat, an Indonesian martial art, I thought: let's just try it. That has gotten a bit out of hand now, haha.”

'My father was in an orphanage in Nepal'

Dharan: “My father makes videos for his work, but by making clips with me he also learns new things for his company videos.”

Shiva: “It keeps you sharp. Business things often have to be a bit stiff, Dharan's clips can sometimes be as crazy as possible. Companies like that too, I get some assignments through him.”

Dharan: “People are often impressed and want to help me. When I cycle through Weesp, I wave to all the shops that help me by sponsoring me, for example.”

Shiva: “We do something that we really enjoy, and if other people seem to like it too, that is something to be proud of. The benefit concert he gave this year was a very big compliment.”

Dharan: “That was for two orphanages in Nepal, one of which my father used to live in.”

'I'm not as spoiled as some Dutch children'

Shiva: “I am adopted. My sister and I were already a bit older when we were adopted, we know where we come from and have memories and contact with our family. We were lucky with that.”

“I was once 'given away'. When I had children, there was a very strong feeling: I would never do this with my children. I want to be there for them a lot, I think that comes from that. At the same time, they may also be unlucky: I had to fight for my food in the orphanage, so complaining that they don't like something, for example, is not an option.”

Dharan: “When I go to play with friends, I sometimes notice that they can argue a lot with their brothers or sisters. I sometimes argue with my sister, but never as intensely as she does. My parents teach me that family is very important. I think my father is just right between Nepali and Dutch: in Nepal they sometimes hit children, of course he doesn't do that, but I am also not as spoiled as some Dutch children.”

'I also have my Nepalese family with many beautiful things'

Shiva: “I would like to give my children their Nepalese roots. I have the best of both worlds: a very nice childhood with my parents in the Netherlands, who did their very best. They always cooked Dutch, until my sister and I asked: we think you're super sweet, but can you cook more foreign food? They really did their best on that.”

“But I also have my Nepalese family with many beautiful things. My Nepalese nieces have very good contact with Dharan and Avana, they teach them how Nepalese deal with important things like family, food and money.”

Dharan: “My father knows a lot. If I don't know what to do, he always gives good advice, in daily life but also with music. If I want to rap somewhere, he sometimes says: maybe not yet, you're still a bit too young for this. I don't find that annoying, I'm actually glad he says that, because he knows what he's talking about.”

Shiva: “Dharan sometimes forgets that some things take time, I think because of his age. He just released a new EP, we're working on that a lot right now. If he has a good plan, he sometimes forgets that not everything is possible in the short term, that some things require steps.”

“I am proud of Dharan's approach to life. He often tells me to relax a bit, it will be fine. He should never lose that, with the drive he has it is a golden combination.”

Shiva Mulder (46) , videographer and industrial designer
Renate Suijkerbuijk (41) , packaging specialist
Dharan Mulder (13) , Vechtstede College, class 1
Avana Mulder (10) , Kors Breijerschool, group 7

The family lives in Weesp.