News | 29 June 2012 Last updated at 09:41 CET

… Netherlands Justice, Security And Foreign Affairs
Ministers Grilled On How Dutch Paedophiles Engage In 'Sex Tourism'
Drama unfolded at the Netherland House of Representatives
(Parliament) yesterday, when Tofik Didi, 32, a Member of Parliament (MP) with
the Green Left (GroenLinks) Party, bamboozled the Ministers of Justice, Security
and Foreign Affairs with thought-provoking questions on the activities of Dutch
“sex tourists” in some parts of the world.
Amongst the many questions posed to the Minister were: “Is
it that in the case of the suspect from Limburg (Arthur Paes) Dutch
investigations were cancelled because of the Ghanaian judicial investigations
into the matter? If so, were you aware that the suspect was released on the day
of his arrest? And were you aware of the fact that the spokesperson for the
Domestic Violence and Victim Support Unit (DOVVSU) said that the suspect was
released on bail after paying money, while it is not allowed to release suspects
of defilement on bail?”
Also, “What was the reason for the release and how does that
Ghanaian decision relate to the Dutch law on prosecution? And is it true that
the suspect (Arthur Paes), despite the suspicions against him, can travel
undisturbed between the Netherlands and Ghana?”
The Green Left MP further asked whether it could be
concluded that the allegations against Arthur Paes - both in Ghana and the
Netherlands - remain uninvestigated and to what extent this example represented
the Dutch approach to child sex tourism, adding, “Does this example actually
show that the Dutch approach to child sex tourism lacks vigor?”
Hon. Tofik Didi's questions on Arthur Paes followed an
earlier one he was asked on whether the ministers realized that the trend in
child sex tourism appeared to be shifting from Asia to Africa and Latin America,
and that Ghana appears to be the ideal hunting grounds for Dutch sex
The question that appeared to daze the ministers more was
how they intended to prevent and combat child sex tourism, how many cases of
Dutch sex cases had been investigated, and what measures would be taken to fight
and prevent child sex tourism vigorously.
It will be recalled that in the article "Paradise for
Pedo's”, One World
magazine followed the now 17-year-old Ruth, who is trying to
bring the Dutchman (Arthur Paes)
to court who allegedly systematically raped her since she
was only eight years old.
According to the publication, Ghana is the perfect hunting
ground for Dutch child sex tourists. Pedophiles present themselves as volunteers
or philanthropists and that, despite the strict Dutch and Ghanaian laws; they
are still free and continue their abuse.
But investigations reveal that she is not the only Ghanaian
girl who is abused by a Dutch pedophile. Dutch expats in Accra easily point out
the names of three other Dutch men they suspect of defilement of minors.
Also, in 2006, a Ghanaian Non-Governmental Organization
(NGO) - Coalition On The Rights Of The Child -published an alarming report about
the growing amount of child sex tourist coming to Ghana.
"Nowadays, every Westerner can buy a plane ticket to Ghana,
even those with bad intentions. But Ghanaians don't realize that,” observes
Ghanaian lawyer, Irene Aborchie. "In the Netherlands, children learn to beware
of strangers who offer candy; in Ghana the parents teach them to befriend a
white who does this," she added.
The Dutch ministers of Justice and Foreign Affairs called
the combat against child sex tourism 'a priority', but although the Dutch
Attorney General's department is allowed to prosecute Dutch pedophiles when they
commit their crimes in another country, none of the Dutch suspects in Ghana is
brought to court.
The questions are also published on the website of the
Tovek (Tofik) Dibi, born November 19, 1980 in Vlissingen, is
a Dutch politician for GreenLeft (GroenLinks). He has been an MP since November
30, 2006. He focuses on matters of criminal law, safety, youth, family, and
Dibi is of Moroccan descent. He is studying Media and
Culture at the University of Amsterdam, specializing in cinema. He combined his
study with activities in the Marxist Turkish Workers' Union in the Netherlands
(Turkish: Hollanda Türkiyeli Isçiler Birligi (HTIB), Dutch: Turkse
Arbeidersvereniging in Nederland), and in his own neighborhood Bos en Lommer in
Amsterdam. Together with the Trotskyist International Socialists, he initiated
the national demonstration Stop Bush! Organizing protests when George W. Bush
visited the Netherlands in 2005, and the national action committee Enough is
Enough, which focused on the discrimination against Muslims.
In September 2006 Dibi unexpectedly came in seventh on the
list of GreenLeft for the 2006 general elections and was chosen in the House of
Representatives in November 2006. The GreenLeft screening commission called him
"a political talent", to Dibi's own amazement, for he had not considered his
candidacy all that seriously. At the time he was the youngest Member of
Parliament. Because of his background he concentrates on improving opportunities
for young allochtoon (migrant) people in the larger cities.
On January 13, 2007 Dibi was arrested and later released
while pamphleteering against Dutch MP Geert Wilders with members of the
International Socialists. Their posters called Wilders "an extremist" and
"harmful for society"
In May 2012 he made public his internal candidacy for
heading the Groenlinks list for the September 2012 elections.
Stay tuned as this paper gets the
response from the ministers in the next six weeks.