Parents want to start a claim against the government for custodial placements
1 March 2023

Parents want to start a mass claim against two ministries, the Safe Home reporting point, the Child Protection Board and youth care institutions. The policy by which many of their children were placed under supervision or removed from their homes was unlawful, says the foundation in which several parents have united.

Insufficient research has been carried out into custodial placements and supervision orders over the past thirty years, say the parents of the Stichting Collaboration of Parents with Youth Care. According to the foundation, policy in recent years has also been aimed at reducing parental control and legal protection “to virtually zero”.

The organizations and ministries thus went against Dutch law and international treaties, say the parents. Affected children and parents can register to participate in the mass claim. It is not clear how many parents will actually sign up. According to the foundation, "more than 100,000 children and their parents have probably suffered damage".