Our dream: a safe, caring and permanent family for every child!

14 October 2021

Family Power is a joint initiative of nine Dutch NGOs and their international partner NGOs spread over four continents. With an extensive research and communication program, these relatively small organisations want to show together how vulnerable children can still grow up in a safe, caring and permanent family.

Worldwide, more than 6 million children live in institutions such as orphanages and many more are at risk of losing their family. Of 80-90% of children in institutions, one or both parents are still alive.

Family-based care offers a solution.

What we do

Strengthening cross-border cooperation to improve protection and care for children worldwide

A child's development is best in his or her family and community. They even have that right! Yet at least 6 million children worldwide live in institutions such as orphanages. Of 80-90% of these children, one or both parents are still alive. There is a great alternative and that needs to be shared around the globe.

Family Power's nine experienced NGOs want to show HOW vulnerable children can still grow up in a safe, caring and permanent family through a research and communication project. All organizations share their experiences to learn from each other. The case research is supported by Radboud University and captures the learning lessons and best practices as input for an inspiring awareness campaign and training and consultancy program.

The Movement

We believe that you get further together

Strong together

Family Power together is not an isolated initiative. We are an inspiring and activating part of a larger international movement. Together we want to bring about a change. A change to care for vulnerable children in their own family and community. Family Power sees this Movement as an open partnership with national and international network partners. Our approach is based on practice and 'being the change'. This allows Family Power to have a role as an innovative catalyst in the Movement.

There is positive collaboration consultation with Wilde Ganzen, Partin, Better Care Network Netherlands (BCNN), Radboud University, Dutch Coalition on Disabilities and Development (DCDD), Family for Every Child and Transform Africa Alliance. All are willing to facilitate Family Power and play an important role within the project as advisors. A nice foundation for further cooperation!

Research to orphanage tourism

According to the recently published research report on orphanage tourism commissioned by the Dutch government, private initiatives are partly responsible for maintaining institutions. Family Power wants to show how this sector certainly can offer family-based care and communicate about this in an inspiring way. An action that is fully in line with the recommendations in the report. Family Power would like to come to a joint approach with the Dutch network partners.

Our Family Power team originated from the Pledge Group Every Child a Family. We invite other private initiatives to join the Pledge as well!
