Informatie over onderzoek naar interlandelijke adoptie / Information about research into intercountry adoption
9 February 2021

On Monday, February 8, 2021 it is report 'Committee on the investigation of intercountry adoption'published and handed over to Minister of Legal Protection, Sander Dekker. This report is the result of an independent investigation by the 'Committee on the Investigation of Intercountry Adoption in the Past' into the actual course of events surrounding old international adoptions and the role of the Dutch government in this.

What is now known?

Minister Dekker indicates that the Dutch government has failed to act for years by looking away from abuses in international adoptions and not intervening in this. This applies at least for the period 1967-1998.

In the past, the Dutch government has acted too passively in intercountry adoptions, had insufficient supervision of adoption procedures and did not intervene in cases of abuses that came to light. Mediating bodies operating in the Netherlands were also aware of abuses, but did not intervene.

All international adoption procedures will be suspended immediately. This has been decided because the current adoption system still contains vulnerabilities and cannot be controlled sufficiently.

No deadline has been given for the suspension. The Commission has recommended a fundamental reflection on intercountry adoption and until this happens, the procedures should be suspended. A final decision as to whether intercountry adoption will be possible again in the future will be left to a subsequent cabinet.

Prospective adoptive parents who already have a consent in principle are given the opportunity to complete the procedure.

Minister Dekker has apologized on behalf of the cabinet to adoptees for the shortcomings and abuses of the Dutch government in international adoptions.

A national center of expertise for adoptees is being set up. This expertise center offers support in all phases of the search for parentage information, accessible social-psychological help and legal support.

From now on, the State will no longer rely on prescription in proceedings initiated by adoptees regarding intercountry adoption. This applies to both current and future proceedings.

Aftercare is available for all involved. You will find more information about this at the bottom of this page.

Check it out too news item and press releaseof the Ministry of Justice and Security. More information about thebackground of the research and the news item from Fiomread on You can read the press conference of the Joustra Committee and Minister Dekkerlooking back on YouTube.

Also view our news item

Frequently Asked Questions

Adoptive parents

I have adopted a child in the past, was this done the right way?

We cannot say anything about this in general. This differs per file and procedure. You can contact us on 030 - 233 03 40 (option 3) or .

Prospective adoptive parents

I have not yet registered as a prospective adoptive parent, can I still do that?

No, until further notice no new applications to start an intercountry adoption procedure will be processed.

I am currently following the information sessions. Am I still eligible to adopt a child?

All adoption procedures have been suspended, except for prospective adoptive parents who already have a consent in principle. Do you not yet have permission in principle? Then it is not possible to continue with the adoption procedure until further notice.

I am currently attending the information meetings and therefore do not have permission in principle. Can I continue the procedure? Will I be at the top of the list when adoption procedures are restarted?

No, all information meetings and information meetings are canceled immediately and until further notice.

Can I request a refund for the information meeting and / or information meetings?

The Ministry of Justice and Security indicates that, if it is decided that intercountry adoption will be definitively stopped, you will receive back the paid invoices for the information. You will keep your BKA number until a final decision is taken.

I have already submitted my application for permission in principle. Can I continue the adoption procedure?

No, only the procedures in which permission in principle has already been granted will be completed. The other proceedings are suspended.

I have yet to be called up for the family study, but I have already completed the information. Can I continue the adoption procedure?

No, only the procedures in which permission in principle has already been granted will be completed. The other proceedings are suspended.

I have now had discussions with the Child Care and Protection Board. Can I continue the adoption procedure?

No, only the procedures in which permission in principle has already been granted will be completed. The other proceedings are suspended.

I have completed the family survey but am awaiting the report. Can I continue the adoption procedure?

No, only the procedures in which permission in principle has already been granted will be completed. The other proceedings are suspended.

General questions

Why has Minister Dekker decided to suspend intercountry adoptions?

At the end of 2018, Minister Dekker asked an independent committee to investigate the actual course of affairs with past intercountry adoptions and the role of the Dutch government in this. The Committee's conclusion is that abuses have taken place and that the Dutch government has failed to do so. One of the recommendations of the Committee is to stop intercountry adoption because the current adoption process still contains vulnerabilities and cannot be sufficiently monitored, so that abuses cannot be ruled out. The minister has therefore decided to suspend intercountry adoptions.

How long will the suspension of intercountry adoptions last?

This is not known. Firstly, on the recommendation of the Commission, a fundamental reflection on intercountry adoptions will be carried out. After that, a final decision must be taken. This decision will be left to a subsequent cabinet. We expect the suspension to last at least six months.

What is the chance that adoption is no longer possible at all after suspension?

This chance cannot yet be estimated. Minister Dekker has indicated that in the coming months he will be exploring whether there is a possibility in which the current adoption system complies with the guarantees set by the Committee. If it turns out that this is not possible, serious consideration will be given to discontinuing intercountry adoption. It is up to a new cabinet to submit the required amendment to the Foreign Children for Adoption Act (Wobka) to the Lower House.

Why can't adoptions from countries where procedures are conducted carefully?

The minister indicates that the entire adoption process cannot be adequately controlled. It is therefore impossible to check whether the procedure is carried out carefully for certain countries. It has therefore been decided to suspend adoptions for all countries.

Do you have another question?

Do you already have permission in principle or is your question not listed here? Then read theanswers to frequently asked questions from the Ministry of Justice and Security.

Answers to frequently asked questions for adoptees will be added later.

You can also contact us on 030 - 233 03 40 (option 3) or .


The outcome of this research affects everyone involved in adoption.

It can also raise many questions. Would you like to talk to someone about this? You can contact:

The government refers to the organization for aftercare MIND Correlation. You can talk (anonymously) to a professional counselor.

Adoptive parents and adoptive parents can contact us with all their questions. We offer a listening ear, give tips and can work with you to determine whether and, if so, which support is required. If necessary, we can refer you to an adoption expert in your area. You can contact us by telephone on working days from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m .: 030 - 233 03 40 (option 3) or at .

Adoptees can go to Fiom (Adoption Facilities is part of Fiom) for free aftercare. This aftercare consists of 1 to 5 individual interviews of approximately one hour. You can reach us on 088 126 49 99, or via theContact Form.

At you will find an overview of care providers for psychosocial support.

This overview may be supplemented later.

We are ready for you

We understand that this news can raise many questions and feelings among adoptees, adoptive parents, aspiring adoptive parents and others involved.

Would you like to talk about this? We are ready for you. You can reach us from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on 030 - 233 03 40.

You can also contact Fiom on 088 126 49 99 and . Adoption Facilities is part of Fiom.

About the research

The investigation was prompted by information, including from the television broadcast of Zembla on March 28, 2018 and a Wob request for illegal adoptions from Brazil, which point to possible abuses in the adoption of babies in the 1970s and 1980s and the role of the Dutch government in this. On the basis of this information, Minister Dekker set up an investigation committee. Read theassignment of the Committee on the Investigation of International Adoption.

The research initially focused on the countries of Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. However, the Committee has assessed that the entire adoption process cannot be properly checked, which is independent of the countries of origin. These statements and measures therefore apply to all countries.
