Advisor Central Authority International Children's Affairs

27 October 2022

Ministry of Justice and Security, Directorate-General for Punishments and Protection

Job description

The Advice, Management and Central Authority (ARC) directorate at the Directorate-General for Punishment and Protection (DGSenB) is looking for an enthusiastic and solid adviser who will carry out the activities within the Central Authority for International Children's Affairs (Ca IKA). area of ??the Hague Child Protection Convention and the Hague Child Abduction Convention. This concerns two temporary positions (one for 32 and one for 36 hours) for a period of one year.


In the role of advisor at the Ca IKA, the activities have a varied character.

You independently assess and handle individual requests with regard to international child protection, child abduction and contact.

You maintain contact with parents, chain partners in the Netherlands and foreign central authorities or other competent authorities.

You independently handle written and oral questions in the field of international child protection and child abduction.

In the long run, you may also be able to be used for the Cluster Intercountry Adoption, which is also part of the Ca IKA. You then independently assess and handle requests and proposals with regard to intercountry adoption and maintain contact with chain partners and prospective adoptive parents.

Job requirements

You have completed a law degree;

You have an affinity with subjects that play a role within the CA IKA;

You have legal work experience, preferably gained in a hectic environment where you have handled files;

You are stress resistant and you know how to tackle;

You are independent, but you can also work well together and you feel at home in a cozy and professional team;

Good oral and written skills are required, both in Dutch and English.

Important competencies that are inextricably linked to the position: customer focus, analytical ability, collaboration, planning and organizing, learning ability.

Working conditions

Salary level

scale 10

Monthly salary

Min €2,957 – Max. €4,707 (gross)


Fixed-term contract

Contract duration

Initially 1 year

Minimum number of hours per week


Maximum number of hours per week


Other terms of employment

In addition to the salary, you will receive an Individual Choice Budget (IKB). The IKB consists of money (16.37% of your gross annual salary) and time. With the IKB you make the choices that suit you and you can compose part of your employment conditions yourself. For example, you can choose to have part of your monthly income paid out whenever you wish. You can also convert this budget into leave and vice versa or spend it on tax-friendly goals. The national government attaches great importance to personal growth and career development and offers numerous opportunities for this. The fringe benefits include various study facilities, company fitness, full reimbursement of your public transport commuting expenses and partially paid parental leave.


Staff of the DG Punishment and Protection can be deployed flexibly. The vacancy is currently focused on employment in Legal and International Affairs, but that may change over time.

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More about your future department

Advice, Management and Central Authority

Department The Advisory, Management and Central Authority Department provides expertise to the DGSenB by providing (solicited and unsolicited) advice, facilitation and testing on policy issues in the field of finance, business operations, legal affairs, information provision and subsidies. . In addition, the management provides expert support to the DGSenB in the implementation of work processes. This includes personnel advice, staff and management support. Finally, the Central Authority (CA) also falls under the management. The CA implements three international conventions on behalf of the Dutch state regarding child affairs, child abduction, child protection and adoption.

The management consists of five teams: Financial Advice and Operations (FAB), Legal and International Affairs (JIZ), Management Support and Staff (MOenS) and Chain Management (KR). The JenV-wide Grant Portal (SP) has also been placed with the management.

Team Legal and International Affairs

The Legal and International Affairs team assesses policy intentions for legal consequences, provides legal advice and contributes to the drafting of legislation and regulations in the field of DGSenB. In addition, the team is responsible for the legal audit for DGSenB. JIZ works closely with the legal departments within the task organisations. The team also handles National Ombudsman complaints in the field of DGSenB and complaints submitted under Chapter 9 of the General Administrative Law Act. The team handles Wob requests, draws up ministerial regulations, policy rules and mandate regulations. The team also advises on privacy issues and has a supervisory role in that regard towards the implementing organizations of DGSenB.

In addition, JIZ acts as the Central Authority for International Children's Affairs (hereinafter: Ca). The Ca is charged with the implementation of the Hague Adoption Convention, the Hague Child Abduction Convention and the Hague Child Protection Convention, as well as with the EU Regulation Brussels II bis.

Day-to-day work includes handling adoption requests, requests in the field of international child abduction and child protection. To this end, the Ca maintains contacts with various (chain) partners, including permit holders, IND, Child Protection Board, Fiom/Adoption Facilities, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Public Prosecution Service, Youth Care Offices, the court in The Hague, Center for International Child Abduction, Police, KMAR , the Legal Aid Council and the Foreign Ca's.

In order to be able to handle such requests, a consultation hour has been set up during which 'customers' of the Ca can reach the Ca at fixed times.

On the basis of individual case studies, the Ca has a signaling function towards (implementation) policy and contributes to its development. There is also frequent consultation in an international context and the CA is represented in, among others, the European Judicial Network and the Special Commission of HCCH.

Central Authority for International Children's Affairs (Ca IKA)

The Ca IKA is part of the Legal and International Affairs (JIZ) team of the ARC directorate and implements in the Netherlands the application and compliance with the Hague Child Protection Convention, the Hague Child Abduction Convention, the Brussels Ibis Regulation and the Hague Adoption Convention. This Central Authority ensures the correct execution of the activities arising from these conventions that apply to these subjects. The Ca IKA performs these tasks in collaboration with various partners such as the Child Protection Board, Certified Institutions, the judiciary, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Public Prosecution Service, the legal profession and foreign central authorities. The Ca IKA has a coordinating, referring, facilitating, assessing and decisive role in this collaboration.
