Letter to the House of Representatives on April 11, 2022

11 April 2022

On April 11, the Dutch government published its position and decision memorandum with various annexes ( more information here ). On April 12, Stichting Wereldkinderen, together with the other permit holders, spoke with the Ministry of Justice and Security. Stichting Wereldkinderen is happy and relieved that the Dutch government indicates in these documents that intercountry adoption will remain possible in the Netherlands in the future.

In the interest of the child, it is the hope of the World Children's Foundation that the Dutch government will quickly provide clarity regarding the resumption of granting permissions in principle, as indicated in the letter to the House of Representatives. That there will soon be more clarity with regard to the various proposals to change the current system. Without further details and planning, there remains a great deal of uncertainty for all involved.

The minister states in his letter that one thing is certain: 'the past does not equal the present and the system of intercountry adoption has improved in recent decades.' Stichting Wereldkinderen is happy to contribute to possible further improvements. The proposals in the letter and accompanying documents are a possible first step in the right direction. Whether the direction as now set out by the minister will lead to improvements compared to the current system will have to be shown from the as yet unknown details.

Stichting Wereldkinderen is pleased that there is more clarity and we would like to thank the minister for this. For questions, the Ministry of Justice and Security has compiled a 'FAQ' with telephone numbers. The official press release can be found here .
