ACT/AD to Juhansone (SG): Fwd: Joustra Committee / Intercountry Adoptions

11 February 2021

--------- Forwarded message ---------

From: ACT

Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2021 at 13:28

Subject: Joustra Committee / Intercountry Adoptions


Dear Ms. Juhansone,

kindly find attached the report of the Joustra Committee which calls for a stop of Intercountry Adoptions.

This report reconfirms the RSJ advice from 2016 and confirms that the position the European Commission took during Romania's accession to the European Union was the correct position and correct interpretation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

It also thereby confirms again that our founder is a Whistleblower. Much of current trafficking scandals mentioned, were brought out by ACT during the time of the secondment of Ms. Post to ACT.

We also submitted a vast amount of material to the independent committee.

This also confirms that ACT and myself did and did excellent work.

Below you find my email addressed to President von der Leyen in which I request my salary for the period of the secondment of Ms. Post to ACT.

Furthermore, I request you to recognise Ms. Post as Whistleblower and repair the damages done to her.

I reiterate, that I need protection as a Whistleblower or at least make sure that I can safely return to Germany and live and work for ACT.

Kindly confirm receipt of this email and treat it as a letter; register it.


Arun Dohle

For Indian adoptees: Roots searches



Sat, 23 Jan, 13:57

to Bjoern.SEIBERT

Dear Mr. Seibert,

as i cannot fill the below text in the contact form, nor can i send an attachment, i request you to forward this to President von der Leyen.


Arun Dohle

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: ACT

Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2021 at 12:40

Subject: Request for my salary


Dear President von der Leyen,

I trust that you are well versed with the situation around Ms. Roelie Post, the setting up of Against Child Trafficking and the secondment to ACT.

The way this was handled harmed myself a great deal. Trusting the EU Civil Servant Roelie Post that there will be funding at some point, i worked without a salary for Against Child Trafficking.

Even today, I work without a salary, without contributions to the social security system.

I cannot step out of this work, because we took up cases of adult adoptees, many of whom are trafficking victims. There is no way I can let them hang with their needs to trace back their families.

As former Family Minister, you are likely aware that the german youth welfare authorities are not able to provide adult intercountry adoptees with the appropriate assistance. This goes for all European Member States as well as Australia and the United States.

This was also the reason I had to leave my well paid job as financial consultant in 2001. Just to find my own mother back,

The way the European Commission handles the situation of Ms. Post and thus ACT has led to the situation that i had to live mostly on unemployment money, while de facto actually working for Against Child Trafficking Full Time.

Since you fired Ms. Post after having cut her salary to zero, I moved to India, to save on expenses and push the field work forward.

You may argue that this all was my free choice. No it wasn´t.

I'm a victim of child trafficking and your services promised to help me and help other adoptees.

Thus I landed up in a very exploitative situation.

Ms. Post helped as far as she could. By destroying her, the European Commission destroyed my german life too.

I'm a german citizen by adoption and I find myself in a situation where I work hard for ACT and have no way of survival.

The NGO was set up by the Secretary General of the European Commission to park Ms. Post. , I have a lot of responsibility regarding cases of victims of trafficking.

Since 2017 I have not even registered an address in Germany.

The only theoretical option would be to let the victims hang and apply for Hartz IV. This is no option.

I kindly request you to pay my full appropriate salary, including contributions to the german social security for the time of the secondment of Ms. Post to ACT. (2008- 2014)

Without my field work, ACT would have been a clear fraud.

Further I request you to set up funding programs specifically designed for NGOs run by Adoptees; survivors of trafficking of Adoption who provide services to the victims and assist with tracing the original families back. There is nothing available, despite "illegal Adoptions" being mentioned in the EU Anti-Trafficking Directive.

As this concerns several EU Member States, this is a matter to be taken up by the European Commission.

Attached is the email communication between Ms. Post and Ms. Catherine Day who was at all times fully aware that I worked unpaid and thus aware of the way I got exploited. (though unintentional from the side of Ms. Post)

On a last note, between Christmas and New Year, 6 European Adult Intercountry Adoptees committed suicide. These are only the cases we know.

1 in Germany,

3 in the Netherlands

2 in Belgium


Arun Dohle

For Indian adoptees: Roots searches

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